Grateful Dead 09/17/70
Fillmore East, New York, NY
Source Summary
flac16/44.1khz Matrix of Dark Star by Sirmick
Grateful Dead
Fillmore East,
New York, NY

Source a: shnid 145891   50%
Source b: shnid 27591     80%


- Before undertaking the matrix I made some further improvements to 27591.  During the preparation I removed a repeated section of about 9 seconds and patched a missing section of about 22 seconds
- After the matrix had been made the high end was very bright in places so I sweetened it a little.

So here it is.

I tried a number of different mixes before I settled on this one, which I found the most pleasing.
I'm not convinced that it has achieved what was hoped for but any Dark Star is a thing of beauty so......

I did consider including "St. Stephen" and "Love Light" but it was necessary to make most adjustments at about 15 second intervals and some substantially less.  I don't have that much time or patience to spare right now.

I created the matrix with Adobe Audition 3 and finalised it with iZotope RX7 Advanced.

April 2019

flac fingerprint: Dark Star.flac:8ae034fa9c5eb7b27f924d7a9983ef6f

Dark Star.flac:8ae034fa9c5eb7b27f924d7a9983ef6f
#MD5 checksums generated by xACT 2.46 on 2019-04-10 10:22:02 +0000

6a6edcc906a9dd22bd9faf73d8677c31 *Dark Star.flac

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