Dave Matthews Band · 2001
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Set 1
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Set 3
Rock City
Rio De Janiero

Two Step Tripping Billies So Much to Say-> Anyone Seen the Bridge?-> Too Much #41 (Everyday) All Along the Watchtower Ants Marching

CBS - 60 Min. II
CBS Studios

CBS - 60 Min. II Interview/Report
CBS - 60 Min. II Interview/Report

NBC Studios
New York

I Did It The Space Between
*Saturday Night Live performance.

PBS - Charlie Rose Special

Fusion Freaks Dream Walking in the Downtown Mall Musical Reflection and Tragedy Heros and Corin Capshaw Stefan Lessard Carter Beauford Boyd Tinsley Leroi Moore R2T and the Laboratory Charlie's First Show Lillywhite and Ballard "I Did It" and Napster Shorter tunes and Idea Behind "When the World Ends" Everyday is born Boyd's other job and "It don't get any better than this" "The Stone" Reprise

Ed Sullivan Theater
New York

I Did It
Performance for the Late Show with Dave Letterman

MTV Studios
New York

-Daytime TRL Appearence- I Did It
-Nightime TRL Special- I Did It Crash into Me The Space Between Ants Marching^ Tripping Billies*
^ The end of Ants was cut on the aired portion. * Not televised. The crowd chanted for more after Ants, so they got Billies.

Scott Stadium

Soundcheck: Grace Is Gone Jam Stefan Solo When The World Ends If I Had It All Stay* Angel* What You Are So Right True Reflections* Set 1: Two Step So Much To Say > Anyone Seen The Bridge? > Too Much So Right# JTR* When The World Ends# I Did It* What Would You Say? All Along the Watchtower^ Sleep To Dream Her# > Grace Is Gone What You Are# True Reflections* Angel*# #36* > Everyday*# > #36* Ants Marching E: If I Had It All*# Stay (Wasting Time)*
University Of Virginia * - w/ The Lovely Ladies ^ - w/ Neil Young On Guitar & Vocals # - First Time Played By Entire Band

Alltel Pavilion at Walnut Creek

#41 (Everyday) When The World Ends JTR So Right Bartender What Would You Say? If I Had It All Everyday (#36) All Along The Watchtower Sleep To Dream Her Grace Is Gone What You Are Grey Street I Did It True Reflections Two Step -Encore- Waste % Tripping Billies
% Dave solo

Alltel Pavilion at Walnut Creek

One Sweet World (Instro) When The World Ends Angel Don't Drink the Water Warehouse (Stop-Time) Satellite If I Had It All Crash Into Me Jimi Thing Anyone Seen The Bridge?-> Too Much Everyday (#36) The Space Between What You Are I Did It-> Ants Marching -Encore- Angel From Montgomery JTR

Verizon Wireless Amphitheater

When The World Ends What Would You Say(Stop Time) Rhyme & Reason So Right #41-> (Everyday) Sleep To Dream Her Grace Is Gone I Did I Everyday-> (#36) All Along The Watchtower What You Are Jimi Thing JTR If I Had It All True Reflections Two Step -Encore- Waste* Tripping Billies
( ) songs are incomplete teases * Dave Solo, Phish cover

Bi-Lo Center

Warehouse The Best of What's Around Granny Don't Drink the Water When the World Ends JTR Angel So Much to Say -> Anyone Seen the Bridge -> Too Much Everyday (#36) I Did It True Reflections If I Had It All What You Are Ants Marching -Encore - Waste * Grace Is Gone All Along the Watchtower
* Dave solo acoustic Dave guested duringTerrence Simien opening set lending vocals on "The Maker"

Tom Lee Park (Beale Street Music Festival)

#41 (Everyday) When The World Ends What Would You Say? Warehouse If I Had It All So Much To Say-> Anyone Seen The Bridge?-> Too Much Jimi Thing What You Are Everyday (#36) All Along The Watchtower -Encore- Waste % Tripping Billies
% Phish cover, Dave Solo

Fair Grounds Race Course
New Orleans

Two Step When the World Ends What Would You Say The Best of What's Around * Angel * Tripping Billies Sleep To Dream Her-> Grace Is Gone JTR * If I Had It All * I Did It * Everyday (#36) * All Along the Watchtower ** Me & Julio Down By the Schoolyard +^ Ants Marching -Encore- Long Black Veil * Stay
* w/ Cynthia, Tawatha & Brenda (The Lovely Ladies) on vocals ** w/ Lenny Kravitz on vocals and electric guitar + w/ Paul Simon on guitar and vocals ^ Last Played September 30, 1992 "New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival"

Thompson-Boling Arena

When The World Ends Granny Warehouse Angel Grey Street What You Are Jimi Thing Bartender JTR Everyday If I Had it All What Would You Say? Grace Is Gone So Much To Say-> Anyone Seen the Bridge-> Too Much All Along the Watchtower -Encore- Angel From Montgomery Tripping Billies

Oak Mountain Amphitheatre

One Sweet World Satellite #41 (w/ Everyday) When The World Ends I Did It Bartender The Space Between Sleep To Dream Her Grey Street Rhyme & Reason Recently-> Digging A Ditch JTR What You Are True Reflections Two Step -Encore- Waste (w/ #40 tease) % Everyday (w/ #36) All Along The Watchtower
% Dave Solo

Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion

Best of Whats Around Warehouse What Would You Say Angel What You Are When The World Ends Dancing Nancies Bartender Recently Digging A Ditch So Right JTR Sleep To Dream Her-> Grace Is Gone If I Had It All True Reflections Tripping Billies -Encore- (Big Eyed Fish)-> Waste Angel From Montgomery I Did It

Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion

One Sweet World Satellite Rhyme & Reason #41 What You Are If I Had It All Don't Drink The Water When The World Ends The Space Between Grey Street So Much To Say-> Anyone Seen The Bridge-> Too Much Jimi Thing Digging A Ditch All Along the Watchtower-> Ants Marching -Encore- Everyday

Journal Pavilion

#41 Granny Satellite Angel When The World Ends Bartender So Right Digging A Ditch Tripping Billies Grace Is Gone What Would You Say Jimi Thing * What You Are If I Had It All Everyday (#36) Watchtower -Encore- Fish Monkey Man ~ Long Black Veil Ants Marching
* with Eric Krasno of Soulive ~ First Time Played

Desert Sky Pavilion

One Sweet World I Did It Don't Drink The Water If I Had It All Fish Monkey Man-> Bartender What Would You Say? * Jimi Thing & When The World Ends So Right What You Are #41(Everyday) *&% Sleep To Dream Her-> Grace Is Gone JTR Nature->Tripping Billies -Encore- Waste (Dave solo) All Along The Watchtower
* w/ Sam Kininger on sax & w/ Eric Krasno of Soulive on guitar % w/ Neal Evans of Soulive on Hammond B-3 organ

Pac Bell Park
San Francisco

#41(Everyday) Satellite When the World Ends * The Space Between + So Right * Fish, Monkey, Man-> Bartender Jimi Thing Angel *+ Stay + What you Are* Sleep to Dream Her-> Grace is Gone True Reflections + Mother Father * $# Love of My Life *$#^ All Along The Watchtower $# -Encore- Long Black Veil *+ Everyday(#36) +
* with Butch Taylor + with Tawatha, Cindy, Brenda $ with Carlos Santana # with Karl Perazzo ^ Last Played 5-29-99

Pac Bell Park
San Francisco

What Would You Say * Granny Dont Drink The Water # When The World Ends # I Did It *# Recently Digging A Ditch Lie In Our Graves #~ The Space Between *# What You Are # So Much To Say-> # Anyone Seen The Bridge-> Too Much # If I Had It All *# JTR * Angel #* Tripping Billies # Stay *# -Encore- Two Step #
-Show Notes- * with Cindy, Tawitha, and Brenda # with Butch Taylor ~ with Trey Anastasio

NBC Studios

The Space Between*
Tonight Show Appearance * W/ Butch Taylor and The Ladies

Dodger Stadium
Los Angeles

Don't Drink The Water Satellite #41 (Everyday) When The World Ends * I Did It *+ Fish Monkey Man-> Bartender What Would You Say ~ If I Had It All *+ Angel *+ What You Are * Sleep To Dream Her * So Much To Say * (Anyone Seen the Bridge?)-> Too Much * The Space Between *+ Stay *+ Nature->Tripping Billies -Encore- Everyday (#36) *+ All Along the Watchtower
* with Butch Taylor on keys + with Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda on vocals ~ with John Popper of Blues Traveler on harmonica

Sam Boyd Stadium (UNLV)
Las Vegas

Don't Drink The Water #41 Rhyme & Reason What Would You Say? Angel *! When The World Ends * The Space Between *! Big Eyed Fish-> Bartender Warehouse True Reflections *! Recently Digging a Ditch What You Are * Fool To Think *!^-> Everyday(#36) *! -Encore- Grace Is Gone Stay *!
* Butch Taylor on keys ! Brenda, Cindy & Tawatha ^ First Time Played

Sam Boyd Stadium (UNLV)
Las Vegas

Nature->Tripping Billies Granny ! Satellite I Did It *! If I Had It All *! So Right * Seek Up JTR ! Sleep To Dream Her * Grey Street * The Space Between *! Jimi Thing When The World Ends * Angel *! Minarets ! So Much To Say-> Anyone Seen The Bridge? *-> Too Much * -Encore- Long Black Veil * All Along The Watchtower *
* Butch Taylor on keys ! Brenda, Cindy & Tawatha

Shrine Auditorium
Los Angeles

The Space Between The Space Between The Space Between
Aired on 6-7-01 as part of MTV's Movie Awards Song was played three times due to technical difficulties With Butch Taylor and The Lovely Ladies

Comerica Park

Little Thing (Tease) What Would You Say Warehouse (Stop Time Intro) Satellite When the World Ends * Fish Monkey Man ---> Bartender I Did It + Everyday (#36) *+ What You Are * Lie In Our Graves * Fool To Think + Angel *+ True Reflections *+ JTR *+ If I Had It All *+ Tripping Billies (Nature Intro) encore: Digging a Ditch All Along the Watchtower
* Butch Taylor on keys + Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda

Comerica Park

Dave and Roi-> One Sweet World #41 (Everyday) So Much To Say *-> Anyone Seen The Bridge?*-> Too Much * The Space Between *+ Jimi Thing Long Black Veil *+ When The World Ends * Mother Father *+ Don?t Drink the Water * Minarets (Scat intro)*+ Sleep To Dream Her-> * Grace Is Gone Grey Street * Angel *+ Stay *+ -Encore- #40% Waste% Two Step
* Butch Taylor + Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda % Dave solo

Turner Field

One Sweet World When The World Ends * The Space Between *+ Fishman & The Drunk Monkey-> Bartender Sleep To Dream Her *-> Grace Is Gone #41 (Everyday outro) True Reflections *+ What You Are Long Black Veil *+ JTR *+ Angel *+ Stay *+ -Encore- Waste ^ Everyday (#36) *+ Ants Marching *

RFK Stadium

When The World Ends * I Did It *+ Best of Whats Around *+ Satellite Fool To Think *+ #41 Angel *+ Two Step * Fish Monkey-> Bartender Everyday *+ Pantala Naga Pampa * Rapunzel * Digging a Ditch The Space Between *+ True Reflections *+ Stay *+ -Encore- If I Had It All *+ Tripping Billies
* Butch Taylor + Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda

Giants Stadium
East Rutherford

When The World Ends * Best of Whats Around *+ Granny + A Little Fishy-> Bartender I Did It *+ If I Had It All *+ Pantala Naga Pampa *-> Rapunzel * Sleep To Dream Her *-> Grace Is Gone Drive In Drive Out * What You Are * Fool To Think *+ Lie In Our Graves * Angel *+ True Reflections *+ What Would You Say -Encore- The Space Between *+ Two Step *
* Butch Taylor + Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda

Giants Stadium
East Rutherford

Don't Drink the Water So Right * Rhyme & Reason Satellite * JTR *+ When The World Ends * So Much To Say * --> (Anyone Seen the Bridge?) * --> Too Much * Long Black Veil *+ Mother Father *+ The Space Between *+ Jimi Thing Recently Digging a Ditch Everyday (#36) *+ Fool To Think *+ I Did It *+ All Along the Watchtower encore: #40 ^ Waste ^ Tripping Billies *
* Butch Taylor on keys + Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda ^ Dave solo

Giants Stadium
East Rutherford

Warehouse * #41 Crash When The World Ends * Angel *+ Angel from Montgomery What You Are * Crush * One Sweet World I Did It *+ If I Had It All *+ Seek Up * The Space Between *+ Grey Street * Stay *+ -Encore- Ants Marching
* with Butch Taylor + with the Lovely Ladies

Foxboro Stadium

When The World Ends * Best of Whats Around *+ Granny *+ I Did It *+ Street Fish-> Bartender Satellite *~ What You Are * If I Had It All *+ Angel *+ JTR *+ Lie In Our Graves * Fool To Think *+ The Space Between *+ True Reflections *+ Everyday(#36) *+ Pantala Naga Pampa *-> Rapunzel * -Encore- Aint It Funny How Time Slips Away Two Step *
* w/ Butch Taylor +w/ The Ladies

Foxboro Stadium

(Benny and The Jets) JTR*+ #41 Don?t Drink the Water* So Right* So Much To Say*-> Anyone Seen The Bridge?-> Too Much* Mother Father*+ Angel*+ Warehouse* When The World Ends* All Along The Watchtower* Sleep To Dream Her* Grey Street* Long Black Veil*+ Drive In Drive Out The Space Between*+ Stay*+ Encore: Angel from Montgomery Ants Marching
* w/ Butch Taylor + w/ Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda

Ralph Wilson Stadium
Orchard Park

The Stone * So Right * Crash Into Me (Dixie Chicken)* #41 (Everyday) If I Had It All *+ Satellite *~ Don?t Drink the Water * Fish Monkey Man --> Bartender I Did It *+ Crush * JTR *+ Angel *+ Grey Street * All Along the Watchtower * Everyday (#36) *+ When The World Ends * -Encore- The Space Between *+ Stay *+
* Butch Taylor on keys + Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda on vocals ~ Angelique Kidjo on vocals

Tweeter Center

When The World Ends* So Right* Crush* (Captain) Too Much* Big Eyed Fish-> Bartender Warehouse* Angel*+ If I Had It All*+ Fool To Think*+ (Prelude)^ Crash Into Me* Digging a Ditch Grey Street* I Did It*+ Long Black Veil*+ Two Step* -Encore- Aint It Funny How Time Slips Away% The Stone*
* with Butch Taylor + with the Lovely Ladies ^ Guitar riff only, no words %Dave solo

Tweeter Center

JTR *+ Best of What's Around + Satellite * The Space Between *+ Rhyme and Reason Mother Father *+ Everyday (#36) *+ Pantala Naga Pampa *-> Rapunzel * What You Are * Sleep to Dream Her *-> (Prelude)*-> Grace is Gone * Jimi Thing (Roll Call) When the World Ends * Granny *+ True Reflections *+ Stay *+ -Encore- (Little Thing)-> Waste Tripping Billies *
* with Butch Taylor + with the Lovely Ladies

Tweeter Center

What Would You Say? #41 (Everyday) Drive In Drive Out* When the World Ends* So Right* Minarets*+ Lover Lay Down* Seek Up* I Did It*+ Recently (Some People Do/Don't/But She Does intro) Digging a Ditch Angel*+ Don't Drink the Water* Fool to Think*+ The Space Between*+ All Along The Watchtower* -Encore- (Captain)%-> Ain't it Funny How Time Slips Away% Ants Marching*
* with Butch Taylor + with the Lovely Ladies % Dave solo

Soldier Field

Dreaming Tree (tease) JTR *+ One Sweet World When The World Ends * Granny + Crush * Big Eyed Fish-> Bartender So Right * If I Had It All *+ I Did It *+ Seek Up * Fool To Think *+ Angel *+ Watchtower * Two Step * -Encore- The Space Between *+ Pantala Naga Pampa *-> Rapunzel *
* Butch Taylor on keys + Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda on vocals

Soldier Field

Grey Street * Pig (tease) # So Much To Say * --> (Anyone Seen the Bridge?) --> Too Much * What You Are * Pig (tease) # Mother Father *+ Satellite *~ Angel *+^ Pig (tease) # Sleep To Dream Her * Grace Is Gone * #41 (Everyday) So Right * Everyday (#36) *+ Recently (Some People Do) Digging a Ditch Lie In Our Graves * Pig (tease) # The Space Between *+ Stay *+ Encore: Pig (tease) # Aint It Funny How Time Slips Away (Willie Nelson cover) # Ants Marching
# Dave solo * Butch Taylor on keys + Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda on vocals ~ Angelique Kidjo on vocals ^ Buddy Guy on electric guitar

Folsom Field (CU Boulder)

Don?t Drink the Water * JTR *+ When The World Ends * So Right * Big Eyed Fish-> Bartender What You Are * Crash Into Me * Everyday (#36) *+ I Did It *+ If I Had It All *+ Angel *+ Warehouse * Recently Digging a Ditch What Would You Say? All Along The Watchtower * The Space Between *+ Stay *+ -Encore- Two Step->* Ants Marching *
* Butch Taylor + Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda

Texas Stadium

Grey Street * When The World Ends * So Right * One Sweet World #41 (Everyday) Satellite *+ I Did It *~ JTR *~ Sleep To Dream Her *-> Grace Is Gone * Two Step * Lie In Our Graves * Angel *~ If I Had It All *~ Bartender What You Are * All Along The Watchtower * -Encore- Aint It Funny How Time Slips Away % The Space Between *~ Stay *~
* Butch Taylor + Angelique Kidjo ~ Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda % Dave solo

Verizon Wireless Amphitheater

Grey Street* When the World Ends * Warehouse * Crash Into Me* True Reflections *+ So Right * Big Eyed Fish-> Bartender What You Are * If I Had It All *+ I Did It *+ Grace is Gone * So Much To Say-> * Anyone Seen the Bridge?-> * Too Much * Angel *+ Two Step * -Encore- The Space Between (#40)-> JTR
* Butch Taylor + Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda

National Car Rental Center

JTR *+ (Captain) % When The World Ends * So Right * The Stone * Big Eyed Fish-> Bartender * Too Much * What You Are * If I Had It All *+ The Space Between *+ Two Step * Fool To Think *+ Everyday (#36) *+ Tripping Billies * Sleep To Dream Her *-> Grace Is Gone * True Reflections *+ Stay *+ -Encore- Aint It Funny How Time Slips Away % I Did It *+ -> Ants Marching *
* Butch Taylor + Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda % Dave Solo

Mars Music Amphitheatre
West Palm Beach

#41 (Everyday) The Space Between *+ Fool To Think *+ Don?t Drink the Water * Granny *+ Grey Street * Recently-> Digging a Ditch I Did It *+ Angel *+ JTR *+ Crush * What Would You Say * Long Black Veil *+ Pantala Naga Pampa *> Rapunzel * -Encore- Waste % (Captain) % When The World Ends * All Along the Watchtower *
* Butch Taylor on keys. + Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda on vocals % Dave Solo

Tampa Ice Palace

JTR *+ The Space Between *+ When The World Ends * So Right * Crush * Rhyme & Reason * Bartender * What You Are * Two Step *~ Angel *+ True Reflections *+ Lover Lay Down Fool To Think *+ Jimi Thing * I Did It *+ Stay *+ -Encore- Grace Is Gone * Tripping Billies *
* Butch Taylor + Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda ~ Junior Brown

AmSouth Amphitheatre

Tripping Billies @ (Nature intro) When The World Ends @ So Much To Say @ --> Anyone Seen the Bridge @ --> Too Much @ Big Eyed Fish --> Bartender @$ (penny whistle intro/outro) So Right @ Sleep To Dream Her @^ --> Grace Is Gone @^ Captain ! (tease) #41 @^ (Sojourn of Arjuna-Everyday outro) Don't Drink The Water @^ Digging A Ditch I Did It @# Angel @# (extended outro) Fool To Think @# JTR @# Stay (Wasting Time) @# Encore: #40 ! --> Ain't It Funny How Time Slips Away ! The Space Between @#^ --> All Along The Watchtower @^ (Stefan intro)
@ with Butch Taylor on keyboards # with The Lovely Ladies on vocals $ with Jeff Coffin on saxophone ^ with Bela Fleck (banjo), Futureman (percussion), Jeff Coffin (saxophone) ! Dave solo *** 30 minute - #41

Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
Virginia Beach

#41 (Everyday outro) The Stone @ When The World Ends @ So Right @ Big Eyed Fish --> @ Bartender @ (pennywhistle intro/outro) The Space Between @# Fool To Think @# What You Are @ Say Goodbye @ (without LeRoi) I Did It @# If I Had It All @# Don't Drink The Water --> @# Long Black Veil @# Two Step @ Crush @ What Would You Say @ Encore: Blue Water Baboon Farm (tease) ! Ain't It Funny How Time Slips Away ! All Along The Watchtower @ (Stefan intro)
@ with Butch Taylor # with Tawatha Agee ! Dave solo

Saratoga Performing Arts Center
Saratoga Springs

#41(Everyday) Granny *+ So Right * JTR *+ When the World Ends * Crush * Say Goodbye * Bartender * What You Are * Too Much * The Space Between *+ Fool to Think *+ Don't Drink the Water ~ Angel *+ True Reflections *+ I Did It *+ Two Step * -Encore- (Blue Water Baboon Farm)-> Waste Stay *+
* with Butch Taylor + with Tawatha, Cindy, and Brenda ~ with Tawatha

Saratoga Performing Arts Center
Saratoga Springs

Nature->Tripping Billies* Crash Into Me* The Stone* One Sweet World The Space Between*+ Grey Street* If I Had it All*+ So Much to Say* Everyday (#36)*+ I Did It*+ Seek Up* When The World Ends* Sleep To Dream Her*-> Grace Is Gone* So Right* Long Black Veil*+ What Would You Say* All Along the Watchtower* -Encore- Aint It Funny How Time Slips Away Ants Marching*
* Butch Taylor on keys + Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda on vocals

Hershey Park Stadium

JTR *+ When The World Ends * One Sweet World (Instro) Big Eyed Fish -> Bartender * So Right * Jimi Thing *~ #41 *~ (Everyday) The Space Between *+ What You Are * All Along the Watchtower * Crush * I Did It *+ Sleep To Dream Her * -> Grace Is Gone * Fool To Think *+ Stay *+ -Encore- Aint It Funny How Time Slips Away ^ Ants Marching *
* Butch Taylor + Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda ~ Jamal Millner ^ Dave solo

Meadows Music Centre

Grey Street * Don?t Drink the Water *+ When The World Ends * So Right * Bartender * Crush * What You Are * Everyday (#36) *~ I Did It *~ Angel *~? #41 (Everyday) (Captain)% Too Much * Sleep To Dream Her-> * Grace Is Gone * JTR *~ Stay *~ -Encore- (Pig)->^ (#40)->^ Aint It Funny How Time Slips Away^ The Space Between *~ Two Step *
* Butch Taylor on keys + Tawatha Agee on vocals ~ Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda on vocals ? Eric Krasno on guitar % Dave and Carter ^ Dave Solo Show Lasted Until After Midnight (12:15am)

Meadows Music Centre

Granny + Satellite Instro-> One Sweet World Nature->Tripping Billies If I Had It All + Fool To Think + So Right Seek Up Jimi Thing ~ (Captain) When The World Ends The Space Between + I Did It + Long Black Veil+ Song That Jane Likes Drive In Drive Out True Reflections + Ants Marching -Encore- Waste % All Along The Watchtower
Entire set w/ Butch Taylor First Granny opener * Butch Taylor + Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda ~ Eric Krasno (song name) indicates a partial song

Corel Centre

JTR *+ What Would You Say? * (Captain) When The World Ends * So Right * Granny *+ Don?t Drink the Water *~ The Space Between *+ Fool To Think *+ So Much To Say *-> Anyone Seen The Bridge*-> Too Much * Big Eyed Fish -> Bartender * I Did It *+ #41 (Everyday) What You Are * Tripping Billies * -Encore- Aint It Funny How Time Slips Away% Stay *+
* Butch Taylor + Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda ~ Tawatha Agee % Dave solo

Molson Centre

The Best Of What's Around*+ Warehouse* I Did It*+ When The World Ends* Two Step* The Space Between* So Right* Bartender* Recently Crush* Don't Drink The Water*~ Sleep To Dream Her* -> Grace Is Gone* What You Are* Fool To Think*+ Ants Marching* Stay*+ -Encore- Long Black Veil # All Along The Watchtower*
* Butch Taylor ~ Tawatha Agee + Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda # Dave, Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda only

Musique Plus (Canadian TV show)

I Did It The Space Between When the World Ends Don't Drink the Water Grace Is Gone Crush Too Much Stay (Wasting Time)

Molson Amphitheatre

Heart Beat Jam-> Pantala Naga Pampa *-> Rapunzel * Don?t Drink the Water *+ Say Goodbye * So Much To Say * Too Much * (Captain) When The World Ends * So Right * The Space Between *~ True Reflections *~ Big Eyed Fish-> Bartender * Angel *~ I Did It *~ If I Had It All *~ JTR *~ All Along The Watchtower * Stay *~ -Encore- (#40)-> Aint It Funny How Time Slips Away Two Step *
* Butch Taylor + Tawatha Agee ~ Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda

The Gorge Ampitheatre

JTR*+ Granny*+ Crush* When The World Ends* Big Eyed Fish-> Bartender* So Right* Say Goodbye* I Did It*+ The Stone The Space Between*+ Don't Drink the Water*# Angel*+ (Don't Burn the Pig)% True Reflections*+ Sleep To Dream Her->* Grace Is Gone* What You Are* Two Step* -Encore- Ain't It Funny How Time Slips Away% Stay*+
* w/ Butch Taylor +w/ The ladies #w/ Tawatha Agee %Dave solo

The Gorge Ampitheatre

Tripping Billies* Warehouse* (Don't Burn the Pig)%-> One Sweet World* The Best of What's Around*+ Fool To Think*+ I Did It*+ Crash Into Me* (Captain)%-> Seek Up*-> Heart Beat Jam*-> Pantala Naga Pampa*-> Rapunzel* Everyday(#36)*+ Lover Lay Down If I Had It All*+ Recently-> Digging a Ditch Grey Street* The Space Between*+ Stefan-> All Along the Watchtower* -Encore- (#40)% Waste% (Exodus) Anyone Seen the Bridge->* Too Much*
*w/ Butch Taylor +w/The Ladies % Dave Solo

The Gorge Ampitheatre

Trouble (tease) $ #41 @ (Everyday outro) Satellite @ Drive In Drive Out @ Mother Father @# What Would You Say @ Jimi Thing @ When The World Ends @ So Right @ Long Black Veil @# So Much To Say @ Build You A House (tease) * --> Lie In Our Graves @ I Did It @# Grace Is Gone @ The Song That Jane Likes The Space Between @# Captain * Grey Street @ Ants Marching @ Encore: Angel From Montgomery JTR @#
$ Butch, Carter, Dave, & Roi @ with Butch Taylor on keyboards # with The Lovely Ladies on vocals * Dave solo

Delta Center
Salt Lake City

JTR *+ Granny *+ (Captain) When The World Ends * Bartender * So Right * Crush * What You Are * Sleep To Dream Her *-> Grace Is Gone * I Did It *+ (Dont Burn The Pig) Grey Street * Don?t Drink the Water *~ Everyday (#36) *+ The Space Between *+ Anyone Seen The Bridge*-> Too Much * Ants Marching * -Encore- Aint It Funny How Time Slips Away^ Stay *+
*with Butch Taylor +with the Lovely Ladies ^Dave Matthews solo


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