News, and lots of it:
- I added the ability for everyone to have multiple lists. Because this is such a new feature, it has not been fully implemented on the site. I've decided to add it at this stage because some users have been having problems getting to their list. If you switch your skin to Smarty - Your Lists, and you setup your shows to belong to different lists, when you go to your normal list url (, no shows will be listed and it will come up very fast. You will then have the ability to pick which list you want to view. Please leave feedback on this feature on the messageboards. I know some things, like specific skins for each list, are not working yet. [8/1/2002]
- Regular users can now submit shn info through a web page. All submissions will be reviewed by their appropriate shn admin before they will show up on the shncirc pages. [7/28/2002]
- When adding a new show, if you already have the show on your list, it will tell you so at the top of the page under the 'Add New Show' header. This will not stop you from adding a second copy of the show to your list, in case you have multiple sources, but I hope you find it useful. [7/27/2002]
- Downtime - the etree sites,, and were all victims of the power outage in NYC over the weekend (caused by a power plant fire). This was the first downtime etree has had since 3/2001. [7/22/2002]
- You can now access shns using such as [7/2/2002]
- Added the Your Smart Colors skin...the best skin to come along in a long time[6/26/2002]
- I've created a way for everyone to keep a trading family on db.etree. This feature is still immature but here's what it does so far: 1. allows you to add users to your family and store notes for each one; 2. when viewing your want list, if you have a family, the want list will limit matches to just your family unless you click the link on the want list page to show all matches; 3. You can add users to your family that do not host their list with These entries work just like a set of bookmarks and are not used in want list filtering. [6/5/2002]
- I've added a filter to the top of the user pages. I think it'll come in pretty handy for finding new people to trade with. [1/24/2002]
- Fixed shn text and md5 downloads so you are only prompted to save the file once when using IE. [11/6/2001]
- Implemented a new FAQ system I wrote from scratch using PEAR and and the Smarty templating engine. [11/6/2001]
- Halloween again! I try to put together an embarassing (for anyone else) costume each year. This year, however, I went with Spongebob Squarepants. This costume is impossible to work in so I wore this underneath it. Here's a 1999 picture of a different costume. [10/31/2001]
- Crazy stats people. will hit 500,000 user
owned shows today...that's an average of more than 685 new shows entered every
day for the life of the site. My personal percentage of
shows owned has gone from 100% when db.etree wasn't multi-user
to 0.04% today. This site has come a very long way and I'm really happy
to be able to provide the service. I also need to point out that over 100 people
have access to add to and maintain the data here and
db.etree wouldn't be anywhere near as good without their help. Thanks to all!
- Tom [10/19/2001]
- I've improved the layout for users comments and you can now respond to comments made about you individually. More details here[8/31/2001]
- A new skin by Dan S. is now up. This one, called discreet, is pretty cool and uses custom columns as all new skins will. [8/18/2001]
- A new version of the phlow template is up. This one, modified phlow, allows for custom columns. [8/16/2001]
- I've put the trade tracker back up. [8/8/2001]
- I've open sourced some scripts used here. I'll add more as I have the time. Nothing will be added until I do a complete security check of each script. [8/6/2001]
- The lists of users now have color codings for the last time a show was added, the users activity rating and their rating. [8/6/2001]
- One of the unexpected but often heard complaints about is that there are too many fields for entering data. I've fixed this by allowing you to select just the columns you want to see and by allowing you to set any default values you want to use.
To use this feature all you need to do is configure your preferences. The next time you add a show only the columns you select will be available, however, there is a link on the add show page to show all columns if you need. A special thanks goes out to Gilles Bacon for designing the html for these new pages. [7/22/2001]
- A new improved import script is now linked from the main page. [7/22/2001]
- Yet another new skin! This one, authored by Gilles Bacon, is called Blue Groove. This template has a LOT of columns on it. The shn/wav column is the reference number...the rest map as you'd suspect they would. [6/10/2001]
- I've improved the brows by shows owned detail. It now works a lot more like the other lists on the site. Also, I changed the links from the artists on the lists of users to go to 'browse shows owned' rather than filtering the current users to only those that own shows from the selected artist. I did this because it seems to make more sense, it wan't used much, and the new way is easier on the server. [6/9/2001]
- A new skin, BlueShifted, donated by Ian Kennedy, is now available. Ian created this 'as an alternative to the harshness of redshifted (which is a great skin besides)'. [6/8/2001]
- Another skin has been donated by Garrett Dixon. This one is named RedShifted and can be previewed here [5/29/2001]
- A new skin has been added! Sunken Treasure was donated by Garrett Dixon. This brings the number of skins up to 11! [5/24/2001]
- This is the new server for is running off of port 81 until
the dns entries update and the server can run off of name based virtual hosts...anyway, that's
geek talk.
- WAP is now available for viewing your lists! Browse your WAP enabled phone over to to use it!
- FAQ and messageboards now online. This is the kind of stuff that can only be made possible by a Carl's Jr. lunch the day before (and a bathroom nearby).
- Diff has been added. This link will filter the list of the user you are viewing to show ONLY the shows that he has that you do not have. A project that will expand on this idea is already in the works.
- Share the wealth! will now track B&P offers for you! Right this way.
- You can now add 'skins' to your lists and you can define custom colors for them! See the News for more information. If you are interested in creating a skin, use this page for instructions and testing. If you create a skin that you want to keep for your list, email it to Tom and he'll check it out and add it to the master list of available templates.
- If you are interested in using a skin, go here and select the skin at the bottom of the page. Good luck! This is going to be big.... :)
- Custom colors have been added to skins. These will not work with the original layout, only the new skins.
- Want Lists have been enhanced to help you select someone to trade with. New features include the SHN link and the source info provided by the owner.
- Skins can now be added to your list! This is some cool stuff. I hope to improve on it even more in the future.
- Now Here: The ability for users to maintain the set lists for a band! Email Tom if interested.
- You can now add links to show covers hosted on other sites
- SHN admins can now assign other users of the site to help maintain the quality of the master show database (so bands have correct set lists, etc.). If you're interested, just email the SHN admin in charge of the band you'd like to work with. Coming soon: The ability to do this same thing with bands that don't have a SHN admin!
- The shn lists are now out of beta but still in the verification stage. Diana has made the announcement that the Phish shn's are good enough to start linking to your list! To do this, you need to click 'edit show' and pick which shn your copy belongs to from the drop down in the lower right corner of the edit screen.
- You can now search want lists for users of this site!
- Added links to the search users page from the results (finally).
- The 'Some SHNs in Circulation' section is new. This is a project I've been working on for several months and it's nearly done. Once the database is declared 'live', and not in beta, you will be able to link a copy of a show you own to an SHN entry. If you link any entries at this time, they will be deleted just before the final data goes live, therefore, don't link yet :)
- I finally got around to adding the public view of a want list. I'll add want list searching soon too. The public want list link is on the top of everyones list.
- Thanks to Owen, an etree regular, this site may change hosting soon from my K6-2 300 to a dual P3 :). I will still control the site and the domains so if there is a problem with this new hosting I'll just change back to the current system. The ISP host will be Flux Communications.
- I thought this discussion at was such a wonderful idea, I implemented it here. Now, when you are logged in, there will be a 'Add To Want List' at the bottom of each show summary. You can view your want list here.
- I've been working with Diana Hamilton to put her SHN lists for GD, MMW, and Phish into my database. Some data has already been entered and can be viewed here and it CAN be linked to a specific copy of a show that a user may have here, HOWEVER, I would strongly recommend not doing this at this time because I will be deleting all the SHN information in the future so that I will have the most up-to-date data when we finally move the Hamilton's list to this site. To see a little bit of the SHN linking in action, check out my list and scroll down to Phish: 12/31/99 or 11/2/98.
- I made a major change to the layout of lists today. All text in the body of your lists is now aligned to the left. Please let me know if you have a problem with this. Thanks!
- This site has been brought under the Great Wing of Etree as
- Message Board! Use it as you see fit.
- A search page which returns results in a simple table.
- After logging in, a new column will appear on lists other than your own labeled 'Owned'. There will be a check mark beside each show that both you and the user you are viewing owns.
- A trader rating and commenting system is now in place. Links to view or add comments can be found at the top of everyone's list.
- From your user information, you can set how actively you trade.
- You can now customize the fields displayed on your music list! Check it out!
- This site is show-centric. Because of this, it is sometimes hard to add a show if the same band is listed twice for one date. So: You can now add a show to your list by doing a lookup through browsing users shows or by just searching for a show.
- This site needs a good logo. I'd like one 90x30 pixels. If you want to submit one, just email me .
- You can now reference people to your list by using such as
- Browse entire database of shows. (Used mainly for finding data problems.)