Metallica 01/29/97
Target Center. Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
This is an old revision of this record as it appeared on 2012-01-18 21:56:19.941985. It may differ significantly from the current revision.

Revert to this revision
Set I
1. (1:52) Intro
2. (2:36) So
3. (7:21) Death
4. (6:48) Sad
5. (7:26) Bitch
6. (4:03) Whiplash
7. (5:19) King
8. (9:36) One
9. (4:02) Waste
10. (3:28) Bass
11. (5:46) Nothing
12. (4:30) Sleeps
13. (5:19) Bell
Set II
1. (7:17) Roam
2. (9:43) Fade
3. (1:36) Seek beginning
4. (6:18) Seek continued
5. (2:43) Fire
6. (2:12) guitar
7. (2:02) Last Carress
8. (3:38) Master
9. (8:53) Sandman
10. (2:58) Evil
11. (2:33) Motorbreath
Last Changed By fan23
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Cached: Wed, 24 Apr 2024 10:37:40 EDT