Source Summary
unknown stereo recording equipment -> master audience tape -> 1st generation Maxell XLII-90 cassette, Dolby B
1st generation Maxell XLII-90 cassette on Nakamichi BX-300 cassette deck, Dolby B on, azimuth & pitch adjusted, heads cleaned & demagnatized -> Tascam CD-RW900SL pro CD recorder -> CD-RW -> computer, EAC secure -> wavs -> Audacity (fades &/or glitches, dropouts, volume adjustments, no EQ) -> CD Wave (track splits) -> Trader's Little Helper
Robert Hunter & Roadhog
1976-09-26 San Rafael, California Record Factory (M1-AUD)
3:00pm (afternoon show including auction of Dead memorabilia)
Pay attention all ye seekers of Dead antiquities, it just might not be "Jefferson Dumptruck"!
01. ...Jesse James
02. Wild Night
03. ? (instrumental)
04. Ariel
05. Charlene
06. Arizona Lightning
07. Tiger Rose
08. --band announcements--
Total Time ::: 28:08
::: Clear, right up front near the P.A. audience recording. Check samples for validation & trepidation relief or for the first couple of bounces off yer seat.
::: Warts: bit of distortion, mostly inbetween songs in right channel (sounds like radio reception problem but it's an AUD). 1st 15 seconds a bit muffled til the mike(s) got raised...
::: This is all that was taped by this source. Show is incomplete, believe set started before this & certainly continued.
::: Note: This is stereo, but if you like mono, it might be a better. Left channel as mono gets rid of the distortion! I left it stereo, so it's your call...
::: This is worth the download for "Ariel" in my humble, likely deluded, opinion.
::: This is the corrected location information.
Recording Information ::: unknown stereo recording equipment -> master audience tape -> 1st generation Maxell XLII-90 cassette, Dolby B on.
Playback 2012-02-18 ::: 1st generation Maxell XLII-90 cassette on Nakamichi BX-300 cassette deck, Dolby B on, azimuth & pitch adjusted, heads cleaned & demagnatized -> Tascam CD-RW900SL pro CD recorder -> CD-RW -> computer, EAC secure -> wavs -> Audacity (fades &/or glitches, dropouts, volume adjustments, no EQ) -> CD Wave (track splits) -> Trader's Little Helper -> yer ears. First uploaded week of 2012-02-19.
Line-up (unconfirmed) ::: Robert Hunter - acoustic guitar, vocals // Shelly Ralston(?) - vocals // Jeffrey Dambrau - guitar // Johnny Preacher (sp?) - guitar // Rodney Albin - bass, violin // William Champlin -drums // maybe Ted Claire - guitar, vocals & also could be Jim McPherson - electric piano but he isn't introduced & Idon't hear him.
Nothing here ever commercially released to my knowledge. If I'm wrong, please advise & I'll take the offending trax offline.
CoolSonics 0118 ::: Thanks to the original taper & trader! If you know him, likely you will hear him. I laughed on several occasions when I recognised his voice & it's MANY years before I met him. ::: Corrections welcome ::: Here's one for Mika. This is one of only 3 Hunter shows I have heard from 1976, though I gather there is at least one more partial show around. Hunter is in a great mood with family & friends around. This source only taped this short version, but it looks like I might possibly have a lesser quality 80-90 minute alternate taper source (somewhere!). I have always been one who didn't understand why Hunter didn't really get the acclaim he deserved, especially with Comfort, but perhaps he waited a bit too long to play live & it would have fit better into the scene about 6-7 years earlier when they could have done gigs with bands like Stoneground. Anyway, have at it, those who can dig it! More information available at the following sites: --- has lots more info about this band. --- has pictures taken by his honor David Gans.
More recordings on the way, making up for years of slow netspeed. Kudos to Zongo for life support, Lochner for mikes & much more, & to Fast Freddie for runnin' Video Dick's Record Emporium with the bathroom office full of tape decks. Thanks to Hanwaker (few among us can keep his pace) for over 30 years of trading & friendship. Mountains of gratitude to Davmar, D.White, Sanchez, Elliot, The Florida Kid, Kloiber, Zingg, JTW, Bershaw, Boston Gold, Weeks, Dixon, Moore, Gough & SO many more for all that collecting & sharing... Royal thanks to The Man In The Palace, Doc Tinker, Brinkhoffs, Barely Eatin', Reel Master Gaule, Parrish & all the traders who housed me thru my music acquisition & travel years. Hats off to Brother Kent, Uncle Jake, Little Queenie (& her neighbor Frank) & his honor Ptomaine Thomas. Glasses raised to Byron for musical horizon expansion & much obliged to J & Thurston for keepin' my concert fires burnin' since my continental shift. Thanks to the Mods for keepin' DIME alive. Enjoy, share, give, spread peace. Yers truly, Knees
Support the artist! But if you are looking at this, you probably already have & do!
Do whatever you want with it except sell it, 'cause that ain't cool!