Jerry Joseph
Rock Island, IL
Source: Soundboard + Busman BSC1's(K31) Hypers > DR680 (24/48)
Location: 5' ROC, PAS, 25 ft from stage, 6ft high
Transfer: SD > PC > SF Pro 11 > TLH (FLAC8)
Taped And transferred by: Adam Huston
*****16 Bit Recording*****
Set One:
01. Intro
02. Ship
03. Radio Cab
04. War At The End Of The World
05. Cochise
06. I Know There's A Darkness > Fall From The Grace Of God > I Know There's A Darkness
07. Unprotected
08. Pony
09. Muscle
10. Staple Gun > Showbiz Kids > Staple Gun
11. Panama
12. White Dirt
13. Crowd/Tuning
14. Where Do The Children Play Jam > Both Of You > Where Do The Children Play
Matrix Notes: 60% SBD + 40% Busman BSC1's(K31) Hypers Mix, added 3dbs to mix
Show Notes: Only 25-30 people in attendance. Wind Chill was -20 to -30 that night but Jerry was in a talking mood! Lots of great story telling throughout!
Special thanks to Jerry and Rozz-Tox for the SBD feed and allowing me to tape.