Dave Matthews
September 4, 2003 (aired Sept. 19, 2003)
MTV Studios, One Astor Plaza
New York, NY
Taper: Unknown
Source: TV > unknown?? > mpeg
Conversion: Steve Marshall (dmbfan81=41@yahoo.com) 11-22-08
mpeg > AoA Audio Extractor v1.2.3 > CD Wave Editor v1.93.3 for track splitting > FLAC
Frontend (Level 6)
d1t01 Intro
d1t02 So Damn Lucky
d1t03 Interview/Commerical/Interview
d1t04 "Gravedigger" Video
d1t05 Interview/Audience Questions/Commercial/Interview
d1t06 Save Me > Interview Outro
d1t07 Crash Into Me (partial - fade out)
Loving Wings+
A Dave solo concert for a select audience at the MTV studios to promote 'Some Devil'.
This was part of a segment that will be aired with the release of Some Devil
+ first time played as a set closer; played after the official end of the program and not broadcast.
Aired on MTV2 on 9/19/03