These are comments that have been made about Matt Wooddy by other users of this site.
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06/12/2003 2 Brian C First time trader, I didn't know. Our trade didn't go so well from my view (beginner's issues), but that was months ago. Matt's ok, I'm sure he probably has his shit together by now.
Rating for Brian C:4.74(50)
Response: I sent 12 discs his way, even included some extras. His complaint is that my discs were not perfect, they had tiny breaks between tracks that could barely be noticed. My advice, pay attention more to the music than the quality. I trade quite frequently, and this is the only guy that has had problems. Update:This guy is crazy. I sent no letter saying FU until 1 minute ago, after he had sent me FOUR, count them FOUR emails saying what a bad trader I am. He is not a bad trader because what he wants, he's a bad trader because in whole he's a bad person. I offered him 2 shows, me paying postage and package, and he obviously declined.
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