Galactic 04/03/05
Shank Hall, Milwaukee, WI
Source # 137654
Entered by Mark Goldey
Checksums gal2005-04-03.unk.sparkmanFFP.txt
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unknown recording gear
Taped and transferred by Scott Sparkman
Acquired as audio CDs via mail by Pisces, converted to FLAC using EAC.
April 3, 2005
Shank Hall
Milwaukee, WI

unknown recording gear
Taped and transferred by Scott Sparkman
Acquired as audio CDs via mail by Pisces, converted to FLAC using EAC.

Set I
Blackeyed Pea
Forbidden Horn
It Ain't What You Think
Track 6
Garbage Truck
Funky Bird/Tiger Roll/Space Headz March

Set II
Tippi Toes
Dump Truck
encore break01
encore break02

Funky Miracle
Baker's Dozen

Known issues:
-The volume was too high for the mic or it was recorded too hot, there's a lot of distortion.  Still quite listenable, IMO.
-There are two encore break tracks--presumably when Scott stopped recording after the last song of the second set and when he started up again for the encore.
-As these were made for audio CD, there are two versions of Funky Bird and Q&A.  Q&A wouldn't all fit on the first CD, so Scott faded it out, then put both Funky Bird, sans
banter, and the full Q&A at the beginning of disc 2.  I put the banterless Funky Bird and the fadeout Q&A into the Fade Tracks for posterity and left the full versions
in the main files.
-Unfortunately, there's no full version of Shibuya, which is the last song of the encore.  There's a fade out for the end of disc 2, then a fade in with the previous two or
three minutes repeated.  I lined up the fades and fused the two files together with Audacity and it sounds perfect to me, but the orignals are in the Fade Tracks for anyone
who wants to do their own splice.
-I can't figure out what song set I track 6 is.  I'd really appreciate any help.
-I've got no skills for remastering or any other tricks to try to cut the distortion. Anyone who'd like to take a crack at those things, please feel free.

The Story:
Galactic were orginally scheduled to play Indianapolis on 4/3/05; the show was cancelled for some reason but they were able to schedule a new gig in Milwaukee.  The rappers
didn't make the stop with them that night, presumably they'd pushed on to Madison, about an hour west, where Galactic were already on for 4/5.  Shank Hall had to be the
smallest venue they played that tour by a wide margin, it only holds 300 people.  Faced with a make-up gig in a tiny venue in a city they'd initially passed on for the
college town next door, they could've phoned it in.  Instead, they blew the roof off the place.

There were two tapers that night, a guy in his 20s and a guy in his 50s.  For whatever reason I decided to approach the older guy, Scott Sparkman.  I asked him if he posted
to bt.etree and he had no idea what I was talking about, but he was happy to trade e-mail addresses, and eventually sent me a copy, as audio CDs.  Then, between summer 2005
and now, I had various life things and/or failed to get my shit together, and thus the show went uncirculated--to the best of my knowledge, neither this source nor the other
has surfaced in the intervening years.  A non-fade, non DAE verison would be better, plus I'd like to hear that second source to see if it's less distorted. But for now, a
flawed source is better than none.  Hope you enjoy it.

Incidentally, Shank Hall is a different venue than what you see in This Is Spinal Tap (which is actually in UWM), but does have a little Stonehenge hanging over the stage,
which Galactic's lighting designer made sure to target.


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