These are comments that have been made about Paul DeMatei by other users of this site.
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10/28/2004 2 Private Stock Paul contacted me for a trade and we did 15 discs. I kept 3 and tossed the rest because they were pure, unlistenable crap. He had all of his shows from certain artists listed as "SBD" but when I received them they were pitiful AUD recordings. The fact that they were AUD recordings was never revealed to me and on top of it all they are crappy AUD recordings, and not at all anything that could even remotely be confused for a SBD. Each of these recordings were very obviously AUD recordings, poor ones at that. When I contacted him about it I got a lame-ass reply that said "I'm not a sound engineer and grade my shows according to 'feel'" which I think is bullshit because a "good feel" does not a soundboard make. I got burned but I've been at this a long while and should have known better or taken better precautions to avoid getting burned. In the end I'll take this one in the shorts for not protecting myself, but I hope this comment gets others to ensure that they know, for certain, what they will receive in trade from Paul at the least and the best protection would be to make him send first and check each disc closely. He does get points for sending 'when' he said he would, just not 'what' he said he would. I suggested to him that he get his list straight before he trades with someone who won't take so kindly to being swindled, but as of the last time I looked, a lot of AUD shows are still graded as SBD. I question his integrity to accurately grade his shows and recommend that you verify anything listed as SBD on his list against the database or another on line source. If you say your end of the trade is SBD quality, then it should be. Sending less than what you claim damages the integrity necessary to have trusting trade relationships. I would never again do a trade with Paul. You've been warned.
Rating for Private Stock:4.98(66)
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