These are comments that have been made about Chris Bell by other users of this site.
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Date Score User Comment
Commenting Users Rating
02/08/2004 5 Michael Hinton Great trader. Good tunes, honesty, and kind soul are a few words that come to mind when I trade with Chris. Thanks for the tunes!
Rating for Michael Hinton:5(5)
01/23/2004 5 Daniel Vinson Chris is a fantastic trader. We have been trading for a very long time and he has never disappionted me. THANKS for sharing the tunes
Rating for Daniel Vinson:5(2)
01/22/2004 5 MB Received a great Grateful Dead B&P from Chris.Nice music from a nice person.Thank you.
Rating for MB:5(42)
09/29/2003 1 Smoke Signal Not an honest trader. First I get TAO shows, then I get "I'll redo them in flac for you." Then I get "sorry man I was stuck in Hurricane Isabella." That was the last I heard of him. I started by giving him a 2 for a rating, with hopes that he would do what he said he was going to. That was four months ago, (as of 1-9-04) I have heard nothing. Something to think about Chris. Use your notes section to let people know what is Tracked at Once and what is tradable. Then right off the bat you are not wasting anyones time. Better yet delete all of the TAO garbage from your list, or use that new software of yours to fix what you already have. Clean up.
Rating for Smoke Signal:4.27(15)
Response: I was unable to extract the audio without getting the 2 second gap with it. So it would be no use to send you them in FLAC or SHN. However, I did get a new burning software that allows me to do DAO.
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