Steve Kimock Band · 2003
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Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Bearsville Theatre

A New Africa (cripe) Cole's Law > (cripe) Tangled Hangers (cripe) Electric Wildlife (cripe) In Reply > (cripe) Avalon (cripe)
Kissin the Boo Boo (white strat) Moon People (white strat) You're the One (explorer, ozark) Elmer's Revenge (cripe) Five B/4 Funk (cripe) Hillbillies on PCP (white strat)

The Palladium

It's Up To You (white strat with ebow) You're The One (explorer, ozark) Electric Wildlife (cripe) Thing One (cripe) Elmer's Revenge (cripe) Bronx Experiment (white stringmaster) Tongue-n-Groove (white strat, white Stringmaster with ebow, ozark)
co-bill with Soulive, SKB opened.

Higher Ground

High-n-Lonesome (white strat) Ice Cream Factory (explorer) Song One (cripe) (rough) Avalon (cripe) Arf, She Cried (black mustang) Why Can't We All Just Samba? (white stringmaster)
Electric Wildlife (white strat) Baby, Baby (explorer) Long Form Part 4 (cripe) Long Form Part 1 (white strat, white stringmaster, white strat) Moon People (white strat)

Darress Theatre

A New Africa (white strat) Five B/4 Funk (cripe) Ice Cream Factory (explorer) In Reply > (cripe) You're the One (cripe, ozark*)
Electric Wildlife (white strat) High-n-Lonesome (white strat) Kissin the Boo Boo (cripe) Arf, She Cried (sunburst strat) Tangled Hangers (white strat) Tongue-n-Groove (white strat, white stringmaster, ozark)
* with Ebow

The Trocadero Theatre

Cole's Law (white strat) Electric Wildlife (white strat) Thing One (cripe) Elmer's Revenge (cripe) Hillbillies on PCP (sunburst strat)
Moon People (white strat) Why Can't We All Just Samba? (white stringmaster) Sabertooth (cripe) Five B/4 Funk (cripe) Baby, Baby (explorer)

The State Theatre
Falls Church

Kissin the Boo Boo (white strat) Long Form Part 1 (white strat, white stringmaster, white strat with ebow) Avalon (vega) In Reply > (cripe) Sabertooth (cripe) Its Up To You (white strat)
* La Petite Groove - (regal) ** * Life of the Party (cripe) Tongue-n-Groove (white strat, white stringmaster, ozark) Elmer's Revenge (cripe) Moon People (white strat) You're the One (explorer)
Encore: Hillbillies on PCP (sunburst strat)
* 1st Time Played ** Rodney on yamaha cbx-k1xg keyboard, Mitch on acoustic

Northern Lights

Bad Hair (cripe) Severe Tire Damage (explorer) Electric Wildlife (white strat, white stringmaster, white strat) Why Can't We All Just Samba? (white stringmaster) Arf, She Cried (sunburst strat)
A New Africa (white strat) Bass Solo Rainbow's Cadillac (white strat) Life of the Party (cripe) Thing One (cripe) Kissin the Boo Boo (cripe) Encore: Drum Solo Moon People (white strat)

Bowery Ballroom
New York

Cole's Law > (white strat) Tangled Hangers (white strat) Thing One (cripe) Arf, She Cried (explorer) Electric Wildlife (cripe) Five B/4 Funk (cripe)
You're the One (explorer, ozark) Life of the Party > (cripe) drum solo > Elmer's Revenge (cripe) In Reply > (cripe) Sabertooth (cripe) Hillbillies on PCP (sunburst strat)
Arf had a bass & drums intro Electric Wildlife was dedicated to Rodney's mom

Bowery Ballroom
New York

Ice Cream Factory (explorer) Kissin the Boo, Boo (white strat) Long Form Part One (white strat) Electric Wildlife (cripe) Tongue-n-Groove (white strat, walnut stringmaster, ozark) drums > Moon People (white strat)
A New Africa (white strat) Life of the Party (cripe) It's Up to You (cripe) + Long Form Part Four > (cripe) + Sabertooth (cripe) + Avalon (cripe)
Steve Kimock - guitars Rodney Holmes - drums Mitch Stein - more guitar Arne Livingston - bass + with Jessica Lurie (Living Daylights) - alto sax ebo was used during Sabertooth

Lincoln Theatre

Cole's Law > (white strat) Tangled Hangers (white strat) A New Africa (white strat) drums > Elmer's Revenge (cripe) Life of the Party (cripe [broke a string], white strat) Five B/4 Funk (white strat)
Electric Wildlife (pearl cerletti) High & Lonesome (white strat,white stringmaster, white strat) You're the One (exp, ozark, white stringmaster, ozark) Sabertooth (cripe with ebo) Thing One (cripe) Avalon (cripe)

Visulite Theatre

Tongue-n-Groove (white strat, white stringmaster, ozark) Kissin the Boo Boo (white strat) Rainbow's Cadillac (cripe, white stringmaster, cripe) drums > Moon People (white strat with ebo) Sabertooth (cripe) Hillbillies on PCP (white strat)
You're the One (pearl cerletti, ozark) drums > Arf, She Cried (pearl cerletti) Thing One (cripe) Avalon (vega) Little Wing (white strat)

The Orange Peel

In Reply > (cripe) Thing One > (cripe) Elmer's Revenge (cripe) Electric Wildlife (cripe) Five B/4 Funk (cripe)
It's Up To You (white strat) Bronx Experiment (walnut stringmaster with ebo) Life of the Party > (cripe) Sabertooth (cripe with ebo) Ice Cream Factory (explorer) Tongue-n-Groove (white strat, white stringmaster, ozark)
Encore: Arf, She Cried (explorer)

Variety Playhouse

Cole's Law > (white strat) Tangled Hangers (explorer) drums > Moon People (white strat) Kissin the Boo Boo (white strat) Hillbillies on PCP (white strat)
High & Lonesome (white strat) Avalon (pearl cerletti) bass solo > A New Africa (cripe) Sabertooth (cripe) Long Form Part 1 (pearl cerletti) Baby, Baby (explorer)
encore: Five B/4 Funk (white strat)

Side Bar

Bad Hair (White Strat) Electric Wildlife (White Strat) Cole's Law > (White Strat) Tangled Hangers (White Strat) Drums > Elmer's Revenge (Cripe) You're The One (White Strat, Ozark)
A New Africa (White Strat) Thing One (Cripe) Drums > Moon People (White Strat) Tongue-n-Groove (White Strat, White Stringmaster, Ozark)

The Social

Long Form Part 4 (white strat) Electric Wildlife (white strat) High & Lonesome (white strat) Five B/4 Funk (cripe) Life of the Party (cripe) Hillbillies on PCP (pearl cerletti)
It's Up to You (white strat with ebo & roach clips) Kissin the Boo Boo (white strat) hip-hop drums > Elmer's Revenge (cripe, white strat) Moon People (white strat) In Reply > (cripe) Avalon (pearl cerletti)

Skippers Smokehouse

Long Form Part 4 (white strat) Electric Wildlife (white strat) High & Lonesome (white strat) Five B/4 Funk (cripe) Life of the Party (cripe) Hillbillies on PCP (pearl cerletti)
It's Up to You (white strat with ebo & roach clips) Kissin the Boo Boo (white strat) hip-hop drums > Elmer's Revenge (cripe, white strat) Moon People (white strat) In Reply > (cripe) Avalon (pearl cerletti)

Freebird Cafe
Jacksonville Beach

High & Lonesome (white strat) Sone One (cripe) Thing One (cripe) Electric Wildlife (white strat) Five B/4 Funk (cripe)
You're the One (explorer, ozark) Tongue-n-Groove (white strat, white stringmaster, ozark) Arf, She Cried (white strat) Avalon (pearl cerletti) Moon People (white strat with ebo) Hillbillies on PCP (white strat)
Pusherman tease during YT1

Culture Room
Fort Lauderdale

Cole's Law > (white strat) Tangled Hangers (white strat) Electric Wildlife (cripe) drums > A New Africa (cripe) In Reply > (cripe) Five B/4 Funk (cripe)
Life of the Party (cripe) Long Form Part 1 (white strat, white stringmaster) Better Get Hit In Your Soul (explorer) Elmer's Revenge (cripe) Baby, Baby (explorer) Avalon (pearl cerletti)
first BGHIYS of the tour.

Culture Room
Fort Lauderdale

Tongue-n-Groove (white strat, white stringmaster, ozark) It's Up To You (white strat [broken string], pearl cerletti) Arf, She Cried (pearl cerletti) Song One (cripe) Sabertooth (cripe) Hillbillies on PCP (cripe)
Ice Cream Factory (explorer) You're the One (explorer, ozark) drums > Thing One (cripe) Moon People (white strat) Kissin the Boo Boo (white strat) Five B/4 Funk (white strat)
Encore: Little Wing (white strat)

The Beta Bar

Purim Story (told by Mitch, Steve on ukelele) > Bronx Experiment (walnut stringmaster with ebow) You're the One (explorer, white stringmaster, explorer) Long Form Part 1 (white strat, white stringmaster, white strat) Rainbow's Cadillac (white strat) Moon People (white strat) Thing One (cripe)
Tongue-n-Groove (white strat, white stringmaster, ozark) Baby, Baby (explorer) bass solo > It's Up To You (white strat with ebow)
This was a Purim Party --- free beer, free admission ! To start the first set the band was dressed in costume, as is the custom on Purim. The costumes where loosely based on the story of Purim with Kimock as a jedi-cloaked King Ahasuerus, Rodney had a golden mask on (Mordechai?), Arne was dressed as Queen Vashi complete with very exagerrated fake breasts (!), and Mitch the narrator had devil-y mask on. While Mitch, Rodney & Steve played a mideastern thingy Mitch begins to tell a story about a king that held a beauty contest to find a new queen. Then to screams of delight from the crew, band, and the drunken crowd, Arne then struts across the stage in drag. Then Cecilia dressed as euro biker chick, and Jenn (Queen Esther) come out to howls of approval from the crowd.

House of Blues
New Orleans

High & Lonesome (white strat, mitch on 12 string) Bad Hair (white strat) Electric Wildlife (cripe) Cole's Law (cripe) Sabertooth (octave mandolin with ebow, mitch on 12 string) Thing One (cripe)
"Korubanda" (Indian Prayer) SK alone on Regal Elmer's Revenge (cripe) You're the One (explorer) Kissin the Boo Boo (white strat) Avalon (pearl cerletti, mitch on 12 string)
Pray for Peace !

Chester's Place

Song One (cripe) Life Of Party (cripe) drums > Elmer's Revenge (cripe) Electric Wildlife (cripe) Thing One (cripe)
Better Get Hit In Your Soul (explorer) Baby, Baby (explorer) Sabertooth (explorer) A New Africa (explorer) Five B/4 Funk (white strat)
Steel Guitar Rag (white stringmaster) You're The One (explorer) Cowboy (white stringmaster) Tangled Hangers (white strat) Hillbillies on PCP (white strat)
Set 3 listed above is the "Happy Hour" set, 7-8p, a Fayetteville friday night tradition.

Chester's Place

Cole's Law (white strat) Arf, She Cried (white strat) Point of No Return > (white strat) drums > Moon People (white strat) In Reply > (cripe) Hillbillies on PCP (cripe)
Chance in a Million (white strat) My Favorite Things (white strat) You're The One (explorer , ozark) It's Up To You (white strat) Tongue-n-Groove (white strat, white stringmaster, ozark)

Chester's Place

SK solo improv (Regal) Le Petite Groove (Regal) Ground Hog (Regal) Arf, She Cried (Regal) Mr. Potato Head (octave mandolin) Hillbillies on PCP (octave mandolin)
Bronx Experiment (octave mandolin, walnut stringmaster with ebow) Many Rivers to Cross (white stringmaster) * Cowboy (white stringmaster) "Acoustic" Wildlife (octave mandolin) Steel Guitar Rag (rickenbacker lap steel) ** Can't Find My Way Home (rickenbacker lap steel) ** Five B/4 Funk (octave mandolin) ** Stella Blue (white stringmaster)
encore: God Bless America (SK solo on baritone ukelele)
Skb "acoustic" Show. Mitch On Acoustic And Arne On Electric Bass For The Entire Performance. * Dedicated To Arielle Phares ** With Steve Pyror

Liberty Hall

A New Africa Thing One Tangled Hangers Long Form Part One
Rainbow's Cadillac Arf She Cried Tongue-n-Groove Moon People Hillbillies On PCP

Southgate House

High & Lonesome Kissing the Boo Boo Cole's Law Tangled Hangers In Reply > Avalon
You're the One A New Africa Elmer's Revenge Moon People Tongue-n-Groove Five B/4 Funk

Luther's Blues

It's Up to You (white strat with Ebow) Long Form Part 4 (cripe) Many Rivers To Cross (white stringmaster) Bronx Experiment (walnut stringmaster with Ebow) Rainbow's Cadillac (cripe) Thing One (cripe) Thing One
You're The One (explorer, ozark) Electric Wildlife (white strat) A New Africa (white strat) Elmer's Revenge (Cripe til broken string then white strat) Moon People (white strat) Avalon (pearl cerletti)

Black Orchid Supper Club

Ice Cream Factory (explorer) Life of the Party (cripe) Better Get Hit In Your Soul (white strat) Tongue-n-Groove (white strat, white stringmaster, ozark) Thing One (cripe)
You're the One (explorer) Tangled Hangers (white strat) Sabretooth (cripe) Hillbillies on PCP (white strat)

Black Orchid Supper Club

Solo Improv Raga -> (regal) La Petite Groove (regal) Life Of The Party (regal) High & Lonesome (vega) Arf, She Cried (regal) Sabertooth (octave mandolin) Kissin' The Boo Boo (octave mandolin) Mr. Potato Head (octave mandolin)
Steve, Fareed and Kalyan Improv (regal) The Bronx Experiment (regal) Acoustic Wildlife (octave mandolin) Five B/4 Funk (octave mandolin) Tangled Hangers (octave mandolin)
SKB Acoustic show. Mitch on acoustic throughout performance. Arne on electric bass. Set 2 featured special guests Fareed Haque (guitars) and Kaylan Patak (tablas and vocals).

High Sierra Music Festival

Why Can't We All Just Samba? Thing One The Bronx Experiment Five B4 Funk Tangled Hangers Tongue 'N' Groove

The Catalyst
Santa Cruz

A New Africa (white strat) Cole's Law > (white strat) Tangled Hangers (white strat) Thing One (cripe) Sabertooth (cripe) In Reply (cripe)
You're the One (explorer, ozark) Elmer's Revenge (cripe) Arf, She Cried (white strat) Tongue-n-Groove (white strat, white stringmaster, ozark) Hillbillies on PCP (white strat)

Fillmore Auditorium
San Francisco

Ice Cream Factory (explorer) Life of the Party (cripe) Elmer's Revenge (cripe) Sabertooth (octave mandolin) Tongue-n-Groove (white strat, white stringmaster, ozark) Avalon (pearl cerletti)
co-bill with Soulive, SKB opened.

Fillmore Auditorium
San Francisco

It's Up to You (white strat) A New Africa (white strat) Arf, She Cried (white strat) Moon People (white strat) Five B/4 Funk (cripe) Why Can't We All Just Samba? (white stringmaster) Cole's Law (white strat) You're the One (explorer) Stella Blue (white stringmaster)
Pete Sears on keyboards from Five B/4 Funk till the end. Martin Fierro on tenor sax for You're the One & Stella. The Bob Weir sit-in, his guitar & amp on stage, aborted due to gig clock. co-bill with Soulive, SKB closed.

Mystic Theatre

Raga Improv (regal) + Le Petite Groove Part 1 (regal) * Ice Cream Factory (explorer) * Long Form Part 1 (white strat, white stringmaster) Electric Wildlife (pearl cerletti) Thing One (cripe) ^ Hillbillies on PCP (white strat) ^
Anorexia is Not for Everyone (white strat) * Sun, Sun, Sun (white strat) * Cole's Law > (white strat) Tangled Hangers (white strat) Sabertooth (octave mandolin) Tongue-n-Groove (white strat, white stringmaster, ozark) E: Little Wing (white strat)
* with Julian Lage on guitar + Steve & Julian in duet ^ and entire set 2 with Martin Fierro on tenor sax Only the first part of Le Petite Groove was played. Le Petite Groove was a duet of SK and Julian Lage

Six Rivers Brewery

Why Can't We All Just Samba? (white stringmaster) Electric Wildlife (cripe) High & Lonesome (white strat) Elmer's Revenge (cripe) Thing One (cripe) Cole's Law (white strat) Arf, She Cried (white strat) Five B/4 Funk (white strat) Moon People (white strat) You're the One (explorer, ozark) Iron Man (white strat) Hillbillies on PCP (white strat)
First couple verses of Black Sabbath's Iron Man played in answer to a fan that yelled out Iron Madien. (city was Eureka not McKinleyville)

The Showbox

A New Africa (white strat) Bad Hair (white strat) Why Can't We All Just Samba? (white stringmaster) In Reply > (cripe) Bronx Experiment (octave mandolin) Thing One (cripe)
It's Up To You (white strat) Arf, She Cried (Vega) Elmer's Revenge (cripe) Saber (octave mandolin, mitch acoustic) You're the One (explorer)

Crystal Ballroom

Cole's Law > (white strat) Tangled Hangers (white strat) Electric Wildlife (white strat) Rainbow's Cadillac > (cripe) Drums > Sabretooth (octave mandolin) Tongue-n-Groove (white strat, white stringmaster, ozark)
Hillbillies on PCP (white strat) Long Form Part 1 (white strat, white stringmaster) You're the One (explorer, ozark with slide) Moon People (white strat) Avalon (vega)
Encore: Five B/4 Funk (cripe)

The Midtown

Kissin the Boo Boo (ws) Life of the Party (cripe) Potato Head (octave mandolin) Sabertooth (octave mandolin) Many Rivers to Cross (white strat) Long Form Part 4 (pearl cerletti)
A New Africa (white strat) Severe Tire Damage (explorer) Thing One (cripe, finished with broken string) drums > Elmer's Revenge (cripe) Arf, She Cried (pearl cerletti) Why Can't We All Just Samba? (white stringmaster)
Encore: Sleepwalk (ozark)

The Annex

Ice Cream Factory (explorer) Congo Man Chant (white strat) Song One (cripe) Bronx Experiment (octave mandolin) Hillbillies (pearl cerletti) Tongue-n-Groove (white strat, white stringmaster, ozark)
It's Up To You (white strat, broken string, cripe) Arf, She Cried (vega) Thing One (cripe) Moon People (white strat) Stella Blue (white stringmaster) Avalon (pearl cerletti, vega)

The Zephyr
Salt Lake City

It's Up To You (white strat with ebow) Bronx Experiment (octave mandolin) Thing One (cripe) Elmer's Revenge (cripe) Sabertooth (octave mandolin) Tongue-n-Groove (white strat, white stringmaster, ozark)
A New Africa (white strat) Electric Wildlife (white strat) Arf, She Cried (vega) You're the One (explorer) Five B4 Funk (cripe)

Cervantes Masterpiece

Cole's Law (White Strat) Bronx Experiment (Octave Mandolin) Thing One (Cripe) Electric Wildlife (White Strat) Life Of The Party (Cripe) You're The One (Explorer, Ozark, White Stringmaster, Ozark)
Baby, Baby (Explorer) * Arf, She Cried (Vega) Steel Guitar Rag (White Stringmaster) Tangled Hangers (Explorer) Moon People (White Strat) Five B4 Funk (Cripe) Encore: Stella Blue (White Stringmaster)
* with Birdland jam at the end

Cervantes Masterpiece

High & Lonesome (White Strat) Song One (Cripe) Long Form Part One (White Strat, White Stringmaster, White Strat) Sabertooth (Octave Mandolin) * In Reply > (Cripe) Hillbillies (Cripe)
It's Up To You (Explorer) Kissing The Boo Boo (White Strat) Elmer's Revenge (Cripe) Rainbow's Cadillac (Cripe) Avalon (Vega) Encore: Sleepwalk (Ozark)
* Mitch on acoustic

Cervantes Masterpiece

Raga Improv (Steve solo on the Regal) La Petite Groove (Regal) 1 Life of the Party (Regal) 1 Ground Hog (Regal) 2,3 Green (Octave Mandolin) 3 Bronx Experiment (Octave Mandolin) 3 Potato Head (Octave Mandolin) 3 Arf, She Cried (Regal) 1
Bad Hair (White Strat) Long Form Part 4 (Explorer) Severe Tire Damage (Explorer) Ice Cream Factory (Explorer) Chance in a Million (White Strat) Better Get Hit In Your Soul (Ozark) Encore: Little Wing (White Strat)
1 - Mitch on acoustic 2 - Rodney on cardboard box with brushes 3 - Mitch on mandolin

Water Street Music Hall

Tangled Hangers - explorer Cole's Law - white strat Avalon - white strat High & Lonesome - mustang, white stringmaster Arf, She Cried - white strat Five B4 Funk - white strat
Why Can't We All Just Samba? - White Stringmaster Electric Wildlife - Mustang A New Africa - White Strat Elmer's Revenge - Cripe Moon People - White Strat You're The One (w/Pusherman tease) - Explorer, White Stringmaster, Ozark

Adirondack State Park

It's Up To You - white strat w/ebow Electric Wildlife - mustang Drums > Tongue-n-Groove - white strat, white stringmaster, ozark Elmer's Revenge - cripe Hillbillies on PCP - cripe
Adirondack Mountain Music Festival, 8:30-10pm slot

Croton Point Park
Croton On Hudson

Kissin' The Boo Boo - white strat A New Africa - white strat Why Can't We All Just Samba? - white stringmaster Bronx Experiment - octave mandolin Avalon - white strat
Summit on The Hudson Festival

Belly Up Tavern
Solana Beach

A New Africa Electric Wildlife Avalon Five B4 Funk Tongue-n-Groove
It's Up To You You're The One Sabertooth Elmer's Revenge Thing One

House of Blues
West Hollywood

Ice Cream Factory Why Cant We all Just Samba? Bronx Experiment Drums > Moon People Cole's Law * > Tangled Hangers *
Sabertooth Thing One Long Form Part 1 Baby Baby Hillbillies On PCP *
* with Martin Fierro on tenor sax

Galaxy Theatre
Santa Ana

Kissin the Boo Boo Electric Wildlife Elmer's Revenge Long Form Part Four * Tongue-n-Groove *
High & Lonesome You're The One Arf, She Cried Severe Tire Damage * Better Get Hit In Your Soul* Five Before Funk
* with Martin Fierro on tenor sax

High Sierra Music Hall

A New Africa, Electric Wildlife, In Reply > Elmer's Revenge, Thing One, Hillbillies On PCP
It's Up To You, Moon People, You're The One, Sabertooth, Cole's Law > Avalon
Lineup: Steve Kimock - guitars, Mitch Stein - guitar, Rodney Holmes - drums, Arne Livingston - bass, Peter Apfelbaum - keyboards

HSMF - Grandstand Stage

Why Can't We All Just Samba? Thing One Bronx Experiment Five B4 Funk Tangled Hangers Tongue-n-Groove
entire show with Peter Apfelbaum on keyboards.

The Mint

Cole's Law > (white strat) Tangled Hangers (explorer) Electric Wildlife (mustang) Kissin The Boo Boo (white strat) Long Form Part 4 > (cripe) Avalon (vega)
You're The One (explorer, ozark) Thing One (cripe) Elmer's Revenge (cripe) Tongue-n-Groove (white strat, stringmaster, ozark) Hillbillies On PCP (white strat)
Peter Apfelbaum on keyboards for the whole show substituting for Mitch Stein who had a prior engagement.

The Mangy Moose
Teton Village

La Petite Groove* High & Lonesome A New Africa Long Form Part 1 Sabertooth Why Can't We All Just Samba?
Five B4 Funk In Reply > Better Get It In Your Soul Elmer's Revenge Hillbillies On PCP
Encore: You're The One
Peter Apfelbaum on keyboards for the whole show substituting for Mitch Stein who had a prior engagement.

Mangy Moose
Teton Village

Steel Guitar Rag (white stringmaster) It's Up to You (explorer with ebow) Electric Wildlife (mustang) Cole's Law (white strat) > Tangled Hangers (white strat) Thing One (cripe)
Bronx Experiment (octave mandolin) Ice Cream Factory (explorer) Song One (pearl cerletti) Stella Blue (white stringmaster) Rainbow's Cadillac (cripe) Avalon (cripe)
Peter Apfelbaum on keyboards for the whole show substituting for Mitch Stein who had a prior engagement.

Fuji Rock Festival - Field of Heaven

Why Can't We All Just Samba? A New Africa Five B4 Funk Thing One Sabertooth Hillbillies on PCP
It's Up To You Bronx Experiment Kissin' the Boo Boo Elmer's Revenge Tongue-n-Groove Avalon
Encore: High & Lonesome Arf, She Cried

Ski Butternut
Great Barrington

Berkfest Main Stage

Hookahville - Frontier Ranch

Tongue-n-Groove (White Strat, White Stringmaster, Ozark) Five B4 Funk (Cripe) Life Of The Party (Cripe) Thing One (Cripe) Sabertooth (Cripe w/Ebow) Hillbillies on PCP (Explorer)
Steve Kimock - guitars Mitch Stein - guitar Rodney Holmes - drums Alphonso Johnson - bass

Earthdance Peace Festival

It's Up To You Five B4 Funk A New Africa Thing One Sabertooth Hillbillies on PCP Band Intros

Big Red Barn
Lehigh Valley

Jam Storm Crow Jam Moon People The Bronx Experiment Life Of The Party Long Form Part 4 Arf, She Cried
Rehearsals For The 2003 Fall Tour Steve Kimock - guitars Rodney Holmes - drums Mitch Stein - guitar Arne Livingston - bass

Bowery Ballroom
New York

Bowery Ballroom
New York

Ice Cream Factory (Explorer) Avalon (Explorer) Cole's Law (White Strat) > Tangled Hangers (White Strat) Electric Wildlife (Mustang) Tongue-n-Groove (White Strat, Tripleneck Stringmaster, Ozark)
High & Lonesome (Mustang) Arf, She Cried (Telecaster) Elmer's Revenge (Cripe) Hillbillies On PCP (Telecaster) *
* with Pete Sears on Keyboards

Bowery Ballroom
New York

Long Form Part 1 (white Strat, tripleneck stringmaster, white Strat) Life Of The Party (cripe) Song One (cripe) Sea Blues (white strat) Kissin the Boo Boo (white strat) Why can't we all just samba? - triple neck stringmaster
It's Up To You (explorer) Bronx Experiment (explorer) Thing One (cripe) Moon People (white strat w/ebow) Long Form Part 4 (cripe) * You're The One (explorer) *
* with Peter Apfelbaum on Saxophone

The State Theatre
Falls Church

High & Lonesome (Mustang) It's Up To You (Explorer) Moon People (White Strat) Why Can't We All Just Samba? (Triple Neck Stringmaster) Song One (Cripe) Bronx Experiment (Explorer)
Thing One (Cripe w/Broken String) Tangled Hangers (Black Trim Explorer) Five B4 Funk (Black Trim Explorer) Tongue-n-Groove (White Strat, triple neck Stringmaster, Ozark)

The Funk Box

Life Of The Party (Cripe) Kissin' The Boo Boo (White Strat) Song One (Cripe) Electric Wildlife (Mustang) Bad Hair (White Strat) Tongue-n-Groove (White Strat, triple Neck Stringmaster, Ozark)
Happy Birthday Steve (with cake) * You're The One (Explorer, Ozark) Elmer's Revenge (Cripe) Sabertooth (Cripe) In Reply (Cripe, White Strat) > Avalon (White Strat) Hillbillies on PCP (Explorer)
* for Steve Kimock by Jenn Kimock

Mexicali Blues Cafe

Cole's Law (white strat) > Tamgled Hangers (white strat with ebow during intro jam) Song One (cripe) Life of the Party (cripe) Bronx Experiment (white strat) * Tongue-n-Groove (white strat, triple neck stringmaster, ozark)
You're the One (archtop cerletti) Electric Wildlife (mustang) Baby, Baby (archtop cerletti) Arf, She Cried (archtop cerletti) Five B4 Funk (archtop cerletti)
* with Cecile Boehler on sax

Mexicali Blues Cafe

High & Lonesome (mustang) It's Up To You (white strat with ebow) Sabertooth (cripe) Avalon (white strat) Long Form Part 1 (white strat) Hillbillies on PCP (explorer)
Long Form Part 4 (archtop cerletti, triple neck stringmaster, archtop cerletti) In Reply (cripe) > Elmer's Revenge (cripe) Moon People (white strat with ebow) Thing One (white strat)

Lincoln Theatre

Kissin' The Boo Boo (White Strat) Moon People (White Strat with ebow) Why Can't We All Just Samba? (triple neck Stringmaster) Tangled Hangers (White Strat) Elmer's Revenge (Cripe) Tongue-n-Groove (White Strat, triple neck Stringmaster, Ozark)
Thing One (White Strat) Electric Wildlife (Mustang) Better Get It In Your Soul (gold leaf Cerletti) Rainbow's Cadillac (gold leaf Cerletti) Five B4 Funk (gold leaf Cerletti) Hillbillies on PCP (Explorer)

The Orange Peel

A New Africa (White Strat) Life of the Party (Cripe) Bad Hair (White Strat) Bronx Experiment (Explorer) Steel Guitar Rag (Triple Stringmaster) Cole's Law (White Strat)
You're The One (goldleaf Cerletti) Song One (Cripe) Sabertooth (Cripe) Arf, She Cried (Cripe) In Reply > (Cripe) Avalon (Cripe)

Visulite Theatre

High & Lonesome (mustang) Electric Wildlife (mustang) Tongue-n-Groove (white strat, triple stringmaster, ozark) Elmer's (Cripe) Long Form Part 1 (white strat, triple stringmaster) Long Form Part 4 (goldleaf Cerletti)
Thing One (Cripe) Why Can't We All Just Samba? (triple stringmaster) Moon People (white strat with Ebow) Ice Cream Factory (white strat) You're the One (goldleaf Cerletti) Hillbillies on PCP (Explorer)

The Annex

Cole's Law (White Strat) > Tangled Hangers (White Strat with ebow) Electric Wildlife (Mustang) Kissin' The Boo Boo (White Strat) Severe Tire Damage (Explorer) Five B4 Funk (Mother of Pearl Cerletti)
You're The One (Mother of Pearl Cerletti, Ozark) Why Can't We All Just Samba? (Triple Neck Stringmaster) Arf, She Cried (Mother of Pearl Cerletti) Song One (Mother of Pearl Cerletti) Hillbillies on PCP (Explorer)

Vic Theater

Thing One A New Africa Bad Hair The Bronx Experiment Better Get It In Your Soul Tongue 'N Groove
You're The One Sabertooth Mr. Potato Head Moon People Footprints Hillbillies On PCP

410 Club

Why Can't We All Just Samba? Baby Baby Electric Wildlife Cowboy Long Form Part Four * My Favorite Things * d2t02 Thing One
Cole's Law Ice Cream Factory Rainbow's Cadillac Sea Blues * Better Get Hit In Your Soul *
* with Frank Catalano on sax Private party by BigA Entertainment

Blind Pig
Ann Arbor

Avalon Ballroom
San Francisco

A New Africa, It's Up To You, Why Can't We All Just Samba, In Reply > Bronx Experiment, Five B4 Funk
Bouncer, Life of the Party, One for Brother Mike, Elmer's Revenge, You're the One*, Hillbillies On PCP*
* with Martin Fierro

Avalon Ballroon
San Francisco

d1t1 cole's law -> white strat d1t2 tangled - explorer (intro jam was truly amazing) d1t3 electric wildlife - mustang d1t4 Steve Speaks d1t5 one for brother mike - white strat d2t1 long form pt 4 - mother of pearl cerletti d2t2 tongue 'n' groove - white strat, triple neck stringmaster, ozark (with martin fierro) d2t3 band intros
d2t4 thing one (cripe) d2t5 -> new song (still untitled, cripe) d3t1 -> sabertooth - cripe d3t2 bouncer - white strat d3t3 moon people - white strat d3t4 kissin the boo boo - white strat d3t5 avalon - mother of pearl cerletti d3t6 band outtros

Fox Theatre

You're The One, Electric Wildlife, New Africa, Drums > Elmers Revenge, Hillbillies on PCP
Ice Cream, Sabertooth, Bouncer, Brother Mike, Moon People, Thing One, Tongue 'n' Groove

Gothic Theatre

Gothic Theatre

steve solo raga - square neck regal Storm Crow - MOP cerletti Severe Tire Damage - explorer Samba - triple neck stringmaster
Hhigh & Lonesome - mustang Bad Hair - MOP cerletti One for Brother Mike - white strat Electric Wildlife - mustang Tongue-n-Groove - white strat, triple neck stringmaster, ozark
A New Africa > - white strat New Years Countdown > Africa (reprise) - white strat Cole's Law > - white strat Tangled Hangers - explorer Elmer's Revenge - MOP cerletti Bouncer - white strat It's Up to You - Explorer w/ ebow Thing One - cripe Bronx Experiment - explorer Avalon - MOP cerletti Encore: Kissin the Boo Boo - white strat
Steve Kimock - guitars Rodney Holmes - drums Mitch Stein - more guitar Alphonso Johnson - bass Jim Kost - keys
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Cached: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 12:53:44 EDT