Deep Blues Festival · 2008
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Set 1
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Set 3
Washington County Fairgrounds
Lake Elmo

CuzN Wildweed Willem Maker .357 String Band Gravel Road Chris Cotton Jawbone Ron Franklin The Moaners Juke Joint Duo feat Cedric Burnside & Lightnin' Malcom Left Lane Cruiser T-Model Ford Black-Eyed Snakes Robert Cage & Hezekiah Early Richard Johnston
The largest outsider and alternative blues event in the world, the Deep Blues Festival was created to celebrate and bring awareness to these unique bands. A mix of many styles and genres, all these bands are performing their idea of the blues or music influenced by the blues. Purists may not agree. We aren't out to argue with anyone, just trying to spread the word about music we enjoy. We call it the Deep Blues. Find out about the Deep Blues Festival at or

Washington County Fairgrounds
Lake Elmo

Big Wheel Racer Bluesboy Jag Illinois John Fever Pure Country Gold Adam Posnak Those Poor Bastards A Night In The Box Reverend Deadeye Charlie Parr Honkeyfinger Boogaloosa Prayer Pearlene Hillstomp Buffalo Killers Pat McDonald Dex Romweber Duo Black Diamond Heavies
The largest outsider and alternative blues event in the world, the Deep Blues Festival was created to celebrate and bring awareness to these unique bands. A mix of many styles and genres, all these bands are performing their idea of the blues or music influenced by the blues. Purists may not agree. We aren't out to argue with anyone, just trying to spread the word about music we enjoy. We call it the Deep Blues. Find out about the Deep Blues Festival at or

Washington County Fairgrounds
Lake Elmo

Luther The Devil Devin Miller Cicada Omega The Pack A.D. John Schooley Boogaloosa Prayer Black Smokers Patrick Sweaney Mudlow Pure Country Gold American Relay Tarbox Ramblers Silver Lion's 20/20 Possessed By Paul James Scissormen Scott H. Biram Bob Log III
The largest outsider and alternative blues event in the world, the Deep Blues Festival was created to celebrate and bring awareness to these unique bands. A mix of many styles and genres, all these bands are performing their idea of the blues or music influenced by the blues. Purists may not agree. We aren't out to argue with anyone, just trying to spread the word about music we enjoy. We call it the Deep Blues. Find out about the Deep Blues Festival at or
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Cached: Thu, 2 May 2024 18:29:02 EDT