Nikhil Banerjee & Anand Bodas ??/??/74
Theater an der Leopoldstraße, München, Germany
Set I
Gat in Nasruk Tal (medium tempo 9 beat rhythm cycle)
Gat in Drut Tintal (fast 16 beat rhythm cycle)
Set II


Nikhil Banerjee sitar
Anand Bodas tabla

The date of this recording is approximate. Nikhil Banerjee regularly gave concerts in
Munich during the 1970’s up to the early 1980’s, usually in the autumn season. According to
information I have found, he was on tour with Anand Bodas in 1974 and 1976. Since there is
an official release of a Munich concert from 1976 with Swapan Chowdhuri on tabla, the year
of this recording is very likely 1974.
Last Changed By Jack Warner
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