Dave Matthews Band · 2000
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Set 1
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Set 3
Polaris Amphitheatre

-Soundcheck- Warehouse Carter and Dave-> Dancing Nancies Grey Street -Set- Warehouse (Stop Time) What Would You Say? #41 So Much To Say Dancing Nancies Sweet Up & Down* Don't Drink the Water Typical Situation Grey Street* Lie In Our Graves Too Much Bartender^ Jimi Thing Nature->Tripping Billies -Encore- Digging a Ditch ^ Two Step
* First Time Played ^ First Time Player Full Band

Polaris Amphitheatre

-Soundcheck- Raven Raven JTR Big Eyed Fish Crush One Sweet World Jam -Set- Satellite The Best of What's Around Instro-> One Sweet World Help Myself Crash Into Me (Dixie Chicken) Sweet Up & Down JTR All Along the Watchtower Digging a Ditch Rhyme & Reason Grey Street Two Step Raven^ Drive In Drive Out -Encore- #40% Bartender Ants Marching
* First Time Played Full Band ^ First Time Played %Dave Solo

Deer Creek Music Center

-Soundcheck- Recently Grey Street The Stone-> Drive In Drive Out The Maker -Set- The Stone-> Drive In Drive Out #41 Recently (truncated) Lover Lay Down The Song That Jane Likes Lie In Our Graves Grey Street Jimi Thing Sweet Up & Down Satellite Bartender Crash Into Me (Dixie Chicken) Raven #40% Too Much -Encore- The Maker* JTR
% Dave solo * First full band appearence since 12-19-98

Deer Creek Music Center

Introduction One Sweet World Don't Drink The Water What Would You Say Crush Grey Street Dancing Nancies Warehouse Sweet Up And Down
Typical Situation Bartender Recently (Pretty Pretty Girl) Diggin A Ditch Two Step Tripping Billies

Deer Creek Music Center

-Soundcheck- Say Goodbye -Set- The Best of What's Around So Much To Say-> Anyone Seen the Bridge?-> Too Much Granny Sweet Up & Down Rhyme & Reason Lie In Our Graves Bartender Carter-> Say Goodbye Satellite JTR * Crash Into Me (Dixie Chicken) * All Along the Watchtower * -Encore- Drive In, Drive Out-> Ants Marching
* w/ Dan Myers (From Good Homes) on Sax

Riverbend Music Theatre

#41 Warehouse One Sweet World Say Goodbye Jimi Thing Sweet Up & Down Typical Situation (Little Thing) Grey street (Build You A Home) Bartender Crush * Drive In Drive Out The Song that Jane Likes JTR * Too Much -Encore- (#40) Digging a Ditch Two Step
* w/ Dan Myers on Sax

Riverbend Music Center

-Soundcheck- Jam-> Bartender-> Jam Grey Street Bartender Stay^ Stay^ #36^ Stay^ -Set- Satellite Rhyme & Reason Lie In Our Graves Grey Street All Along The Watchtower Raven #36^ Bartender Crash Into Me (Dixie Chicken) So Much To Say-> Anyone Seen The Bridge-> Too Much Long Black Veil^ JTR Stay^ -Encore- Grace Is Gone* Ants Marching
Entire Set w/ Butch Taylor ^ w/ Tawatha Agee, Cindy Myzell & Brenda White King * First Time Played

Soldier Field

#41 * Warehouse (Stop Time_* What Would You Say? * The Song That Jane Likes * All Along The Watchtower * Grey Street * Don?t Drink the Water * Carter-> Say Goodbye * Lie In Our Graves * Bartender * #36 *+ JTR *+ Two Step * Stay *+ -Encore- Diggin a Ditch * Drive In Drive Out *
* Butch Taylor + Tawatha, Cindy & Brenda

Soldier Field

Tripping Billies Instro-> One Sweet World So Much to Say Rhyme and Reason Jimi Thing Crash Into Me (Dixie Chicken) Grey Street Satellite Recently (Pretty Girl) Take Me to the River % & Stay % Long Black Veil % JTR % Sweet Up and Down Too Much -Encore- Take Me to the River % & Grace is Gone Ants Marching
Entire Show with Butch Taylor on keys % - & - First Time Played. w/ Al Green and filmed for IMAX film

Three Rivers Stadium

What Would You Say The Song That Jane Likes Rhyme & Reason Crash Into Me (Dixie Chicken) Too Much Grey Street Say Goodbye #41 #36 Long Black Veil All Along the Watchtower Satellite Drive In Drive Out Busted Stuff Stay Encore: Grace Is Gone Two Step

Comerica Park

Say Goodbye Grey Street Warehouse One Sweet World Drive In Drive Out Lie In Our Graves Busted Stuff * True Reflections * Satellite Sweet Up And Down Lover Lay Down Don't Drink The Water JTR * Stay (Wasting Time) * Encore: The Maker So Much To Say --> Anyone Seen the Bridge --> Too Much
Entire set with Butch Taylor * with The Lovely Ladies

Foxboro Stadium

Seek Up The Song That Jane Likes What Would You Say Rhyme & Reason Crash Into Me Bartender Grey Street Jimi Thing Digging a Ditch #41 JTR + Long Black Veil+ Anyone Seen The Bridge?-> Too Much True Reflections + Stay + -Encore- #40-> Grace Is Gone Ants Marching
whole show with Butch Taylor on keys + Brenda, Cindy and Tawatha

Foxboro Stadium

(Prelude) Warehouse So Much To Say Satellite Drive In, Drive Out Recently (Pretty Girl) Don't Drink The Water Busted Stuff+ True Reflections+ Tripping Billies All Along The Watchtower Sweet Up and Down Carter-> Say Goodbye Lie In Our Graves Stay+ Long Black Veil+ Pantala Naga Pampa-> Rapunzel -Encore- Grey Street Two Step
Entire Set w/ Butch Taylor on keys + with Brenda, Cindy & Tawatha on vocals

Giants Stadium
East Rutherford

#41 The Song That Jane Likes So Much To Say (Anyone Seen the Bridge?) > Too Much One Sweet World (instrumental intro, Swim Naked outro) Busted Stuff + #36 + Lie In Our Graves Bartender > Say Goodbye Grey Street JTR + Typical Situation What Would You Say Stay + Encore: Grace Is Gone > Pantala Naga Pampa > Rapunzel
Butch Taylor on keys + with Brenda, Cindy & Tawatha on vocals

Giants Stadium
East Rutherford

Warehouse (stop time) * Granny +* Don't Drink the Water * Satellite * Recently (On Broadway, truncated) * Drive In, Drive Out * I'll Back You Up [Dave, Carter, Stefan, Butch] Sweet Up & Down * Jimi Thing * Crash Into Me (Dixie Chicken) * True Reflections +* Grey Street * Stay +* Long Black Veil +*~ Two Step *~ -Encore- The Maker *-> All Along the Watchtower *
* with Butch Taylor on keys + with Brenda, Cindy & Tawatha on vocals ~ with Steve Wilson on soprano sax

Giants Stadium
East Rutherford

Seek Up * Pantala Naga Pampa * --> Rapunzel * Rhyme & Reason * Bartender * Dancing Nancies * The Best of What's Around *+ Raven * Crush * JTR *+ Stay *+ All Along the Watchtower * Lover Lay Down * Grey Street * Sweet Up & Down * Tripping Billies * Encore: Grace Is Gone * Ants Marching *
* with Butch Taylor on keys; + with Brenda, Cindy & Tawatha on vocals; setlist courtesy DMBTA

Veterans Stadium

One Sweet World (instrumental intro) * #41 * What Would You Say * Rhyme & Reason * Crash Into Me (Dixie Chicken) * The Best of What's Around *+ True Reflections *+ Too Much * Grey Street * JTR *+ Say Goodbye * Bartender * Lie In Our Graves * Sweet Up & Down * Long Black Veil *+ Stay *+ Encore: Grace Is Gone * All Along the Watchtower * * with Butch Taylor on keys + with Brenda, Cindy & Tawatha on vocals

Veterans Stadium

Ants Marching Satellite Drive In, Drive Out Granny+ Grey Street Crush Warehouse (stop time intro) So Much To Say Lover Lay Down Jimi Thing #36+ JTR+ The Best of What's Around+ Two Step Tripping Billies -Encore- Digging a Ditch Pantala Naga Pampa-> Rapunzel
Entire Set with Butch Taylor on keys + with Brenda, Cindy & Tawatha on vocals

RFK Stadium

JTR *+ True Reflections *+ Too Much * #41 * Crash Into Me (Dixie Chicken) * Drive In, Drive Out * Grey Street * Lie In Our Graves * The Best of What's Around *+ Long Black Veil *+ Stay *+ Bartender * Two Step * Ants Marching * Encore: Grace Is Gone * All Along the Watchtower *~
* with Butch Taylor on keys + with Brenda, Cindy & Tawatha on vocals ~ with Ben Harper on vocals and Weissenborn guitar

Ralph Wilson Stadium
Orchard Park

Ants Marching Granny One Sweet World Sweet Up And Down What Would You Say? True Reflections Stay Lie In Our Graves Bartender Grey Street So Much To Say (Anyone Seen The Bridge?) > Too Much The Best Of What's Around JTR Long Black Veil Two Step E: Grace Is Gone Drive In, Drive Out

Mile High Stadium

Seek Up *-> Pantala Naga Pampa *-> Rapunzel * Ants Marching * Granny *+ The Best of What's Around *+ Grey Street * Rhyme & Reason * Satellite * Sweet Up & Down * Say Goodbye * Crash Into Me (Dixie Chicken) * Bartender * Stay *+ Long Black Veil *+ Drive In, Drive Out *@ -Encore- Grace Is Gone * All Along the Watchtower *@~
* with Butch Taylor on keys + with Brenda, Cindy & Tawatha on vocals @ with David Leach of the Innocent Criminals ~ with Ben Harper on vocals and Weissenborn guitar

Coors Amphitheatre
Chula Vista

#41, Song That Jane Likes, Satellite, Little Thing, Ants Marching, One Sweet World, Rhyme & Reason, Grey Street, Warehouse, Crash, Seek Up, Lie In Our Graves, Bartender, Drive In Drive Out, JTR, Two Step, #40, Grace Is Gone, Watchtower

Glen Helen Blockbuster Pavilion

(Intro) * Pantala Naga Pampa * Rapunzel * Don?t Drink the Water * What Would You Say * I?ll Back You Up * Say Goodbye * Grey Street * So Much To Say * Too Much * Bartender * Jimi Thing * Crush * Watchtower * Digging a Ditch * JTR * Tripping Billies * __________________ Grace Is Gone * Ants Marching * Special Guests: * Butch Taylor

Sacramento Valley Amphitheatre

#41, Song That Jane Likes, One Sweet World, JTR, Crash, Help Myself, Lie In Our Graves, Too Much, Proudest Monkey, Satellite, Grey Street, Lover Lay Down, Rhyme and Reason, Pantala Naga Pampa, Rapunzel, Bartender, What Would You Say, Drive In Drive Out, Grace Is Gone, Ants Marching

Shoreline Amphitheatre
Mountain View

Seek Up * Pantala Naga Pampa * Rapunzel * Ants Marching * The Maker * Bartender * Crash * JTR * Watchtower * #41 * Grey Street * Lie In Our Graves * Digging a Ditch * Too Much * Drive In Drive Out * __________________ Grace Is Gone * Tripping Billies * * Butch Taylor

Shoreline Amphitheatre
Mountain View

One Sweet World (instrumental intro) * Satellite * Recently (Some People Do intro, Pretty Girl outro, Take Me to the River outro) * Dancing Nancies * Grey Street * Lover Lay Down * JTR * Don't Drink the Water * Typical Situation * So Much To Say (Anyone Seen the Bridge?) * --> Too Much * Warehouse (stop time intro) * Jimi Thing * Rhyme & Reason * Two Step * Encore: Grace Is Gone * What Would You Say *
* with Butch Taylor on keys

The Gorge Ampitheatre

#41 * Rhyme & Reason * What Would You Say * The Song That Jane Likes * Warehouse (stop time intro) * Grace Is Gone * Bartender * Lie In Our Graves * JTR * Digging a Ditch * Grey Street * Lover Lay Down * Two Step * All Along the Watchtower * Encore: The Maker * Tripping Billies *
* with Butch Taylor on keys

The Gorge Ampitheatre

Don't Drink the Water * The Best of What's Around * Grey Street * Pantala Naga Pampa * --> Rapunzel * Say Goodbye * True Reflections * JTR * Jimi Thing * One Sweet World (instrumental intro) * Typical Situation * Crash Into Me (Dixie Chicken) * Drive In, Drive Out * So Much To Say * --> Too Much * Encore: Ants Marching *
* with Butch Taylor

The Gorge Ampitheatre

Seek Up * Pantala Naga Pampa * --> Rapunzel * The Stone * I'll Back You Up * Dancing Nancies * Satellite * Recently * #41 *+ JTR * Grace Is Gone * Lie In Our Graves * Bartender * Crush * Granny * Two Step * Encore: All Along the Watchtower *
* with Butch Taylor on keys + with Mitch Rutman on electric guitar

Alpine Valley Music Theatre
East Troy

#41 What Would You Say Rhyme & Reason Song That Jane Likes Granny Crash Two Step Digging a Ditch Bartender
Grey Street Watchtower One Sweet World JTR Tripping Billies
Grace Is Gone Ants Marching

Alpine Valley Music Theatre
East Troy

Warehouse Best of Whats Around Satellite Don't Drink the Water Busted Stuff Seek Up Pantala Naga Pampa-> Rapunzel Grace Is Gone JTR Jimi Thing Grey Street Lover Lay Down Drive In Drive Out So Much To Say-> Too Much -Encore- Lie In Our Graves
So skips

Blossom Music Center
Cuyahoga Falls

One Sweet World What Would You Say Rhyme & Reason Satellite #41 Busted Stuff Bartender Crash Grey Street Watchtower Grace Is Gone JTR Lie In Our Graves So Much To Say --> Too Much
Encore: Digging a Ditch Pantala Naga Pampa --> Rapunzel

Hershey Park Stadium

Warehouse (Too Much)-> Ants Marching Granny What Would You Say? Busted Stuff Seek Up Pantala Naga Pampa-> Rapunzel Crash Into Me Grey Street Bartender Lie In Our Graves Grace Is Gone JTR Two Step -Encore- The Stone Drive In Drive Out

Meadows Music Theatre

The Stone * Drive In Drive Out * Don?t Drink the Water * Satellite * Raven * Granny * Bartender * Grey Street * Rhyme & Reason * Watchtower * Busted Stuff * Lie In Our Graves * So Much To Say * Too Much *
Encore: Grace Is Gone * Pantala Naga Pampa * Rapunzel *
* Butch Taylor

Meadows Music Theatre

One Sweet World * Best of Whats Around * #41 * Song That Jane Likes * Warehouse * Lover Lay Down * JTR * Two Step * Busted Stuff * Jimi Thing * Typical Situation * Crash * True Reflections * Tripping Billies * __________________ Digging a Ditch * What Would You Say * Special Guests: * Butch Taylor

Meadows Music Theatre

Dancing Nancies * Seek Up * --> Pantala Naga Pampa (Linus & Lucy) * --> Rapunzel * I'll Back You Up * Busted Stuff * Recently * Raven * The Maker * Grey Street * Grace Is Gone * Say Goodbye * Bartender * JTR * Ants Marching * Encore: The Stone * Drive In, Drive Out *
* with Butch Taylor on keys

Saratoga Performing Arts Center
Saratoga Springs

The Stone * Rhyme & Reason * Don?t Drink the Water * #41 * Grace Is Gone * JTR * What Would You Say * The Maker * Watchtower * Crash * Minarets * Lie In Our Graves * Bartender * So Much To Say * (Too Much) * Ants Marching *
Encore: Digging a Ditch * Pantala Naga Pampa * Rapunzel *
* Butch Taylor

GTE Virginia Beach Amphitheatre
Virginia Beach

The Best of What's Around * The Song That Jane Likes * Rhyme & Reason * Satellite * Busted Stuff * All Along the Watchtower * Minarets * Crush *+ Too Much *+ Grace Is Gone * JTR * Grey Street * Raven * Drive In, Drive Out * Jimi Thing * Tripping Billies * -Encore- Pantala Naga Pampa *+ -> Rapunzel *+
* with Butch Taylor on keys + with Jamal Milner on electric guitar

Alltel Pavilion at Walnut Creek

The Stone Drive In, Drive Out Granny One Sweet World So Much To Say > Anyone Seen The Bridge > (Too Much) > Ants Marching Digging a Ditch JTR Grey Street Raven Lie In Our Graves Crash into Me Watchtower Encore: Grace Is Gone What Would You Say
Entire show with Butch Taylor on Keyboards.

Blockbuster Pavillon

intro seek up pnp rapunzel raven the song that jane likes satellite bartender #41 true reflections JTR Don't drink the water grace is gone Jimi thing so much to say the stone
this is a great show I had 5th row seats and this was a great show well played and new songs are great

AmSouth Amphitheatre

One Sweet World Satellite Rhyme and Reason JTR Don't Drink the Water * Grace is Gone * Grey Street * Long Black Veil ** Crash Into Me (Dixie Chicken) Jimi Thing Granny Song that Jane Likes #41 (Sojurn of Arjuna) > *** Drums ^ Bartender *** --Encore Diggin' a Ditch *** Dave/Stefan Jam > All Along the Watchtower ***
* - with Bela Fleck on Banjo ** - with Bela Fleck and Emmylou Harris on duet vocals. *** - with Bela Fleck, Jeff Coffin on sax, and Futureman on drums. ^ - Carter and Futureman solo

TD Waterhouse Centre

Two Step #41 Rhyme & Reason Crash Into Me Drive In Drive Out Bartender All Along The Watchtower
Grace Is Gone Raven What Would You Say? Grey Street Busted Stuff Too Much Tripping Billies -Encore- Digging A Ditch Pantala Naga Pampa-> Rapunzel

MARS Music Amphitheatre
West Palm Beach

One Sweet World So Much To Say --> Too Much Rhyme & Reason True Reflections Raven Don?t Drink the Water JTR Grace Is Gone Grey Street Watchtower Busted Stuff Jimi Thing Pantala Naga Pampa--> Rapunzel
Encore: I?ll Back You Up What Would You Say

Tampa Ice Palace

Warehouse Granny #41 The Stone Bartender Lie In Our Graves Raven Grey Street So Much To Say-> Anyone Seen The Bridge?-> (Too Much)-> Ants Marching Grace Is Gone JTR What Would You Say? Tripping Billies -Encore- Busted Stuff All Along The Watchtower
Entire Set w/ Butch Taylor

Lakewood Ampitheatre

The Stone Drive In Drive Out Grey Street Don?t Drink the Water Busted Stuff The Song That Jane Likes For The Beauty of Wynona * Too Much #36 Crash into Me (Dixie Chicken) JTR Grace Is Gone Warehouse Jimi Thing * Two Step Encore: Digging a Ditch Pantala Naga Pampa --> Rapunzel
entire show with Butch Taylor on keys * with David Ryan Harris

Woodlands Pavilion

JTR Rhyme & Reason Satellite Granny Tripping Billies Busted Stuff Crash Into Me All Along the Watchtower Grace Is Gone Don't Drink the Water * #41 ** Grey Street What Would You Say -Encore- Digging a Ditch Pantala Naga Pampa-> Rapunzel
All songs with Butch Taylor * w/Bela Fleck ** w/Bela Fleck and the Flecktones

Woodlands Pavilion

The Stone The Best of What's Around So Much To Say-> Anyone Seen The Bridge-> (Too Much)-> Ants Marching Bartender Raven The Song That Jane Likes Drive In Drive Out Lie In Our Graves * Jimi Thing ** Grey Street Too Much -Encore- I'll Back You Up JTR
All songs with Butch Taylor * w/Bela Fleck ** w/Bela Fleck and the Flecktones

Starplex Amphitheatre

One Sweet World Warehouse Granny Satellite Grey Street Raven Crash Into Me + #41 +~ What Would You Say? All Along the Watchtower * Busted Stuff True Reflections Pantala Naga Pampa-> + Rapunzel + -Encore- Tripping Billies
entire set with Butch Taylor on keys + Bela Fleck ~ The Flecktones * Jeff Coffin

Starplex Amphitheatre

Seek Up-> Pantala Naga Pampa-> Rapunzel So Much To Say-> Anyone Seen The Bridge?-> Too Much Grace Is Gone Rhyme & Reason Bartender JTR Busted Stuff The Stone Drive In, Drive Out The Song That Jane Likes Two Step +~ -Encore- #40 Ants Marching
entire set with Butch Taylor on keys + Bela Fleck ~ The Flecktones

Riverport Amphitheatre
Maryland Heights

The Stone The Song that Jane Likes Rhyme and Reason Crash Into Me* (Dixie Chicken), Grey Street* JTR What Would You Say? Grace is Gone Lie in our Graves* Raven All Along The Watchtower Bartender+ #41-> Nature->Tripping Billies*~ -Encore- #40 Diggin a Ditch Too Much
* with Bela Fleck + with Jeff Coffin ~ with the Flecktones

Riverport Amphitheatre
Maryland Heights

The Best of Whats Around Satellite Don't Drink the Water * Drive In Drive Out Angel from Montgomery One Sweet World (Instro, Swim Naked) Busted Stuff Jimi Thing Grey Street True Reflections So Much To Say-> Anyone Seen the Bridge? *+-> (Too Much) *+-> Ants Marching *+ -> Two Step *+ -Encore- Pantala Naga Pampa-> Rapunzel
* Bela Fleck + The Flecktones

Sandstone Amphitheatre
Bonner Springs

So Much To Say-> Anyone Seen the Bridge?)-> Too Much JTR Bartender Warehouse All Along the Watchtower Grace Is Gone Grey Street Crash Into Me * True Reflections #41 *+ What Would You Say ~ Raven Tripping Billies -Encore- Ants Marching *+
* Bela Fleck + The Flecktones ~ Jeff Coffin

Shoreline Amphitheatre
Mountain View

Warehouse Best Of Whats Around So Much To Say --> Anyone Seen The Bridge --> Too Much Ants Marching Grace Is Gone Cortez The Killer (With Neil Young)
Bridge School Benefit

Shoreline Amphitheatre
Mountain View

One Sweet World What Would You Say Crash Tripping Billies Watchtower Cortez The Killer *
Bridge School Benefit; *With Neil Young

VH1's My Music Awards
Los Angeles

1 - Best Live Act Award 2 - John Athayde Accepts Award For Nancies 3 - Must-Have Album Award 4 - Creed's Scott Stapp Votes For Nancies

Target Center

Warehouse (stop time intro) Satellite Too Much So Much To Say Grey Street Jimi Thing True Reflections Don't Drink the Water #41 All Along the Watchtower Crash Into Me (Dixie Chicken) What Would You Say Tripping Billies Encore: Christmas Song * Ants Marching
* Dave and Carter only

Allstate Arena

The Stone Best of What's Around So Much to Say Jimi Thing Granny JTR The Song That Jane Likes True Reflections Rhyme & Reason #41(Everyday) Cortez the Killer Grey Street Is Chicago, Is Not Chicago(tease)-> All Along the Watchtower -Encore Halloween * Two Step
* Dave and Carter only. Improved, not on setlist. Christmas Song was supposed to be played but they switched it up on stage. Last played in a full band setting 12-15-98.

Allstate Arena

Pantala Naga Pamapa--> Rapunzel Don't Drink the Water Satellite Warehouse Crash Into Me (Dixie Chicken) JTR Too Much Drive in Drive Out Angel from Montgomery What Would You Say Bartender Grace is Gone Lie In Our Graves (Dance Away) --> Ants Marching Encore: Christmas Song * (All you need is love, Can't buy me love) Tripping Billies (Nature Intro)
* Dave and Carter only

Gund Arena

The Stone Too Much JTR Crash into Me What Would You Say #41(Everyday) Bartender True Reflections Two Step Cortez the Killer* Jimi Thing So Much to Say All Along the Watchtower -Encore- Christmas Song Pantala Naga Pampa-> Rapunzel
*-Neil Young Cover

Bryce Jordan Center
University Park

Blue Water Baboon Farm* JTR Satellite What Would You Say One Sweet World Granny Bartender #41 So Much to Say-> Anyone Seen the Bridge-> Too Much Grey Street True Reflections Lie in Our Graves All Along the Watchtower Encore: Christmas Song% Halloween% Ants Marching
*-Dave Solo. Last played 1995 %-Carter and Dave

Pepsi Arena

One Sweet World(Intro) Granny Satellite Lie In Our Graves Crash Into Me (Dixie Chicken) Bartender True Reflections JTR Don't Drink the Water Grace is Gone #41 Too Much Jimi Thing What Would You Say? -Encore- Christmas Song (Beatle's "Love" outro)* All Along the Watchtower
* Dave and Carter only


The Stone Drive In Drive Out Best of Whats Around JTR So Much To Say-> Anyone Seen the Bridge-> Too Much Lover Lay Down Jimi Thing Pantala Naga Pampa-> Rapunzel Cortez The Killer True Reflections Grace Is Gone #41 What Would You Say Encore: Christmas Song Watchtower

Madison Square Garden
New York

Warehouse What Would You Say Satellite The Stone Best of What's Around Crash into Me JTR Song that Jane Likes Rhyme and Reason Crush% Tripping Billies #41 Two Step Encore: Christmas Song^ All Along the Watchtower#
%-Warren Haynes on guitar ^-Just Carter and Dave %-Warren Haynes on guitar and vocals

Madison Square Garden
New York

One Sweet World (Instro, Swim Naked Outro) Don?t Drink the Water Recently % Grey Street Lie In Our Graves Bartender Granny True Reflections Lover Lay Down So Much To Say-> Anyone Seen the Bridge?-> Too Much Cortez the Killer # -> Exodus * -> Ants Marching * -Enore- Grace is Gone-> Pantala Skipping Jam-> Pantala Naga Pampa-> Rapunzel
% w/ On Broadway, Pretty Girl, and Take me to the River intros # with Warren Haynes on guitar and vocals * with Warren Haynes on guitar

Providence Civic Center

The Stone Drive In, Drive Out Song that Jane Likes Satellite JTR Granny So Much to Say-> Anyone Seen The Bridge-> Too Much True Reflections #41 Jimi Thing-> What Would You Say?-> Stefan Intro-> All Along the Watchtower -Encore- Christmas Song # Tripping Billies
# Dave and Carter, w/ Beatle's "Love" outros

First Union Center

Seek Up What Would You Say JTR Don't Drink the Water Satellite Song That Jane Likes Rhyme & Reason True Reflections #41 Crash Into Me All Along the Watchtower Grey Street So Much To Say-> Anyone Seen the Bridge-> Too Much Blue Water Baboon Farm* Christmas Song^ Ants Marching
* Dave Solo ^ Dave and Carter

Red Light Studios

Busted Stuff Grey Street Digging A Ditch Sweet Up & Down JTR Big Eyed Fish Grace Is Gone Captain Bartender Monkey Man Kit-Kat Jam Raven
The Lillywhite Sessions Studio Album

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Cached: Mon, 9 Dec 2024 06:05:14 EST